Thursday, November 03, 2005

Internal Swing

in·ter·nal adj.
1. Of, relating to, or located within the limits or surface; inner.
2. Residing in or dependent on essential nature; intrinsic: the internal contradictions of the theory.
3. Located, acting, or effective within the body.

Function: noun
5 : to shift or fluctuate from one condition, form, position, or object of attention or favor to another

As in

swing shift

Function: noun
1 : the work shift between the day and night shifts (as from 4 P.m. to midnight)
2 : a group of workers in a factory operating seven days a week that work as needed to permit the regular shift workers to have one or more free days per week

track n.

A mark or succession of marks left by something that has passed.
A path, route, or course indicated by such marks
A path along which something moves; a course:
A course of action; a method of proceeding
An intended or proper course

It finally happened today.
The phone rang at 10:30 this morning.
Caller ID told me it was work.
I had been up for a few hours already and had already consumed coffee; so I answered it.
A fellow co-worker (K) was going to be missing work due to illness today. None of his (2) swings were available. The ONLY remaining swing (who was in the building doing daywork) only knew my show. They were going to swing me over to K's track and have my swing do my regular show. So I did K's show today. Nothing major really, a well needed break from thmundanene! Not something that I particularly wanted to hear at 10:30 in the morning, but I was also glad that they didn't spring it on me when I walked through the front door. I had a little time for mentapreparationon.
It all went well. Not only am I professional, but I'm also very good at my job. During the course of the day I realized how much I appreciate my co-worker R, as well as my own normal Track. It was nice to be K for a day, but I'd MUCH rather be Artiessimo.
Thanks for the wake-up call.

Let's all take a moment to appreciate what we have and how much we value those people around us. Be thankful for what you DO have.

I had a most delightful dinner with my best friend Scott and his Mother Jane (who is in town visiting for the week from Illinois). Back at Vynl for the third time in less than a week. A great new space for them, and everything about the move was a positive one. Everything exceeded my expectations AND desires. My favorites are still on the menu, it's still the same price, and they have added a few new things to the menu as well. And something I've come to realize since they have opened in the new space. If you can't get a table during the weekend, shoot for a late lunch on Wednesday. Even with the matinee crowd, I've walked in and been seated instantly just after 5 pm. I don't recommend trying it on Saturday.

Today has taken its toll. I'm no longer thinking clearly. Time for bed.

Love and Light


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