Who Would Have Thought?
I'm back from London. Jet-lagged, mildly confused, and quite upset with the cracked out bitch who has been standing outside my window for the last hour, screaming about her 300 dollars.
I have many tales to tell about my travels, but now isn't the time. I need to be able to think clearly first. Perhaps around Thursday, after I get settled back into work and home.
The concert at RAH was INCREDIBLE!!!! I made many new friends and had a throughly wonderful time!
Many thanks to D for taking care of my girrls while I was away.
I'll leave you with one interesting tidbit from my travels...
I fell in love with a beautiful Italian in London. Yes, I fell hard. Walking around the sites of London hand in hand. It was an amazing two days together before our lives ripped us apart.
Who would have thought
It could be amazing?
Who would have thought
The tiny courageous?
Who would have thought
That love so belated
Could save me
And bring me back to you?
I had to find you, had to let you know
That you aren't all alone,
We didn't make the rules
I had to find you, had to get right back
To you
My next international trip will definitely be Italy.
Love and Light to you all!!!
(what day is it?)
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