Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Anniversery

Happy Anniversery wishes go out to MaMa. Today is her 14th wedding anniversary!

After some white knuckling, and praying, we arrived in a very frigid Minneapolis this morning. We have the day off and I am seriously debating how bad i want that Panera coffee and sandwich, it's that cold outside!!! hehehe

Chicago: the show went well, although I'm reminded what a pain in the arse the chicago teamsters are.

Our crew was great and we got the show up Finally! we had a rough start to the day, which began with 3 space heaters and a lot of arm waving when i realized that both of our washers were in fact, frozen. it took 3 hours to thaw them out, and thus laundry was 3 hours behind. I have the Magic Touch though; just as they were bagging the laundry to take to the laundrymatte, i got the first washer running, quickly followed by the 2nd washer. so we got to do it in house, even if we were running late.

nothing exciting to report other than that.

I NEED some time off. I NEED some time away from this. I can't wait for this impending break. I'm starting to feel combative about certain things, and that is NOT GOOD. it will be fine, i just need a few days away from everyone.

Happy holidays to you all, i can't wait to be home. just two more shows left on this leg, and i will be!!!

love and light!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mornin', sweets.

Remember to breathe, ;-) ;-) ;-)


December 17, 2008 1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you, sweetie. Can't wait until you're home.

December 19, 2008 1:12 PM  

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