What a day it's been so far:
I've been seriously productive today. Finally got completely unpacked from London, and the suitcase (damaged upon return) has been stowed.
3 trips to the market, because I can only carry so much at one time. I'm not kidding when I say Old Mother Hubbard had Nothing in the cupboard. I'm pretty stocked up for the week now. There is a potroast in the crockpot with carrots, onions, celery, and potatoes. It will be smelling good here any moment.
I pulled out and stowed the Air Conditioner for the winter AND I washed the inside and outside (NASTY) of the Window. Little Roo is in 7th Heaven, as she can now sit in the windowsill and gaze out upon 9th Ave again.
I got a phone call from Phantom; they want me to swing shows during the holiday season. They are going to want an answer soon and with the labor dispute happening right now, I'm not giving up the full time show I know. Although I'm sorely tempted. I just need promises of more work from other people... Just ONE more, I've been promised stitching work for the winter, but it's not union scale and I don't want to sell myself short. If I'm going to spend my time sewing, I would rather it be at union rate. One of my other co-workers will be doing a show in November, so I need to get on the phone and tell her I've interested.
I really need to get over to the bank website and print out my London expenses so I can get my computer books balanced... I've been waiting for everything to post so I can enter the exchange rate/conversions.
I've got to find an afternoon to take care of Idiot work/errands. My freakin show screwed several people by failing to report our 2005 wages to Social Security. So now I get to spend the afternoon at the SS office in NYC with tax forms and letters and get it straightened out. These are MY benefits so I have to take care of it. But tell me WHY this is my responsibility? I'm not the one who fucked up... This company I work for, I swear sometimes...
Then a trip over to the Union office. The health insurance battle is about to commence. I had a trip to the ER back on Dec 23rd of 2006. I got a bill from the hospital on September something, right before I left for London, followed shortly after by a rejection letter from my insurance company. They denied the claim because they didn't recieve it within 90 days of service. So here I sit with a $300 bill heading towards collections becuase of the hospital didn't submit in time. I'm not even going to argue with them, I'm going to turn the union on them. Hopefully I can get them involved (they pay the premiums) and they will reconsider. Wish me luck on my battle with Oxford...
OK, off to more computer work. I have hundreds of pictures to photoshop, and other computer business to manage.
This has been my first 'real' day at home since I got back from London and I've got a huge domestic fling happening. So I'm going to continue running with it while I have the energy!!
Love and Light!
You're so productive. I feel like a slug . . .
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