Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Hello everyone. Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I’m back on the road with HerSelf. Sorry that I didn’t get to see many of you on my precious holiday break. Santa brought me bronchitis for Christmas, and I was one sick puppy. I do mean seriously ill; I spent 4 days in bed.

I’m pleased to announce that I’m getting back to regular self. It’s been a difficult transition; I no sooner got home than it was time to leave again. It’s all good though.

I have to say, that while I wasn’t in the least bit interested in going to Kansas City, MO, we put on one hell of show. I mean that literally too. The show itself was flawless, and HerSelf is BACK and in GREAT voice. I mean seriously, GREAT VOICE!!! The break did her a world of good and she put on a fantastic show for KC. You will note (again) that I am a coinsure of voices, and I’ve followed her for a long time. she was in great voice and she was really pulling out the stunts for them last night. It’s fantastic to see my Diva strutting her stuff and showing the world just WHY she is the greatest… (eat that Barbara Streisand) . we were all very busy during the day though; there were a few issues during line-check which resulted in a blown amps and needing to replace instruments, but it was all taken care of the show went very well.

I am extremely blessed. Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful.

This next week should prove to be interesting. I’m in Texas of all places. Please don’t be offended, I just don’t really appreciate Texas. Just about everyone I’ve ever met from Texas I have adored, just so long as I didn’t meet them IN Texas. Perhaps this next week will change my prospective. I’ll keep an open mind.

I’m in a bit of mourning. Two of my favorite co-workers have not returned for this final leg of the tour. One I knew about, and wish him all the best in Europe with Tina Turner. The other, I wish all the best, and am slightly worried about. It isn’t many people that really impress me, and I genuinely like this guy, who was replaced at the last minute. Of course, I can’t go into details, but I’m going to miss him a lot. He was a great travel partner and WE got along just fine.

I’m still trying to adjust to life back on the bus. I just don’t sleep well when I’m moving. I’m trying this new medication from my dr, which is a lunesta derivative but only lasts 4 hours instead of 8. (Because you need to realize I rarely have time for 8 hours of sleep on this tour bus; at the hotel yes, but the bus, no). it worked for 2 hours last night. Knocked me right out, but after 2 hours (and my &$(%^ bus driver rolling me out of the bunk AGAIN) I was tossing and turning the rest of the way to Dallas. I am seriously going to consider starting to drink again, and to hell with the whole motion sickness… lol

It’s growing rather late here, and I have an early call tomorrow, so I’m going to wrap this up for now. Happy new year to you!!

Oh, I need to put this out there to all you wealthy and adventurous people. I’m accepting applications for travel companions to Europe this summer. Think july/august. I have already spoken to a few of you, I know… I realize we are in a recession and nobody wants to spend money, but if you are interested, send me an email. It’s going to be a very good time. I’m going reguardless and since most of you reading this are dear friends of mine, I want you to feel included. Shout out if you are interested. At the moment, I am definitely traipsing through Italia, and am considering a few side trips; Holland, Prague, are on the short list…

Love and Light, and again , a very happy new year!


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