Sunday, July 16, 2006

Alive in July

Don't you fret, I'm still around, and still kicking ass. Not as much ass in the past week, but ass none the less.

I got to spend a few days at home this week. The first day pretty much sucked, but day two was better. See, I got a pretty nasty viral eye infection (and all chorus boys will suffer until further notice for carrying and spreading filthy diseases) and woke up with my eye crusted shut and swollen; it was gross. I've never had anything quite like that, and hopefully will not have to repeat the experience.

Scott, ever the one for support, replied to my "pink-eye' email with "Unclean! Unclean!" I was starting to feel (and look) better by that point so I didn't hex him, but I did reply with a few 4 letter words. I can be quite eloquent when I choose. *My father was a sailor, but it was my MAMA who taught me how to swear*

Speaking of Scott: 3 cheers to Scott who is in LA (heaven help him) teching his latest huge musical comedy. All of us at IMP wish you a happy healthy tech period and opening!!

And finally, to sum up: I get asked a lot why I don't go to Fire Island. Well, outside of the fact that I (typically) work 6 days a week, and the fact that my neighborhood is stocked full of ripe apples (or oranges, as all fruit is NOT created equal), I usually tend to roll my eyes and laugh. I don't FEEL the need to go to fire island to BE someone. And of course, my friend Devon over at Ink In My Coffee, hits the nail on the head in one of her recent postings quoted below. Granted, she's talking about the Hamptans, but it stuck a note never-the-less...

"I can’t really understand why a bunch of shallow, pretentious people spend their Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings stuck in traffic so that they can get drunk on the beach and have sex with people they can’t stand when they’re all in the city. Oh, yeah, because they’re shallow and pretentious."

And there you have it... Well put D!!! And btw, when did owning a Lexus come with a right to be an asshole? (you know who you are...)

Love and Light!


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