Thursday, December 14, 2006

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to you all, where ever you may be and however you may celebrate and honor this time of year.

Things go well here in the Big Apple. I'm almost ready for my company to visit. All of the major home repairs and housekeeping has been completed. The various piles of stuff around the apartment have been reduced and consolidated, as I completed yet another purge this week. There are no longer piles of books on the floor and every bookcase is filled to the brim. The personal wardrobe change-over has been accomplished from summer to winter, and the 2 coats that needed to be cleaned have been dropped off.

I still have the desk to sort/clear/clean/file. I had started the process yesterday morning before work but evidently Roo didn't approve of my system. I arrived home to find that she had emptied all the slots of my organizers and rearranged everything by pushing it onto the floor, where she could "file' it where she thought it should be: under the desk, couch, tv stand. She was quite industrious, as I found the cell phone bill and credit card statement in the bathtub.

I'm looking forward to my 'short' week at work, as I'm off on Sunday. Unfortunately for me, they just finished putting in the changes to the show on Friday of last week and that means I have to update/redo my show notes and paperwork. Things are beginning to settle, but it's foolish to waste time writing notes when things are still changing. I hope whoever gets the pleasure of doing my job on Sunday gets it right. I'm hoping that I don't have to spend all day Saturday training someone. I haven't heard, but simply to put my own mind at ease I need to have the notes done.

It's now 9:30 and I can safely leave the house and get a few errands done. I Must go to the Market today.

Love and Light!


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