Monday, November 13, 2006

Congrats to Sis

Congratulations go out to my sis Tina Sue, who called to announce her engagement to Geoff. I must find time today to return that phone call. She called on Saturday night, right as the show started and I haven't had time this weekend to call her back... I'm a bad brother sometimes...

I made it through the week at the show. They are putting them through the wringer. Seems after 3 years on Broadway the people still aren't satisfied with the show. New Choreography, new Blocking, and rumour has it, new scenic elements. Someone pretty high up wants it changed, or they wouldn't be pouring so much money into implementing the changes. Uhm, don't most long running musicals DownScale after a few years?

WOW, November already. It's crept into the end of the year. Unbelieveable. The Tree outside my window started changing colors yesterday. It's half burnt sienna and half green. A sign that Old Man Winter is on his way.

I had an interesting job offer (very preliminary stages) last week and am waiting to see what comes of it. I put my best foot forward, told her I was interested, and now we are waiting to see what the people who will pay me think. If it works out, I'll be moving to the other coast. If nothing comes of it, then at least I had the offer (and one that I'm sure I'll receive again). Let's just say I can now say that I have a multiple Emmy award winning actress who wants ME to be the one taking care of her and her clothes when she's performing.

Rough night here last night. I was the recieptant of several disturbing dreams last night, most of which I don't remember; except for the part where my jaw came off of my face and I was holding it in my hands, examining it. I woke up in a complete panic and my face was all pins and needles. At least it was all attached. :-)

Our Publistist for the show, the one we found out (just last week) only had a short time to live, passed away yesterday. I saw the notice on a theatre website this morning. My thoughts go out to his partner, his family, and his office. We will miss you Bob.

I'm in the thick of the Mayfair Chronicles. I've spent the last 10 days re-devouring The Witching Hour and Lasher. I'm about to move onto Taltos. I'm back into the lush and rich world of Anne Rice, New Orleans, and her Mayfairs. It is a yearly read for me, and usually happens around this time of year. The Witching Hour is one of the best novels Anne has ever written.

I will most likely be posting less here on CostumeImp in the coming months. Several things are in flux right now, demanding my attention, and have to be dealt with. So don't get worried if I'm not posting as often. Shoot me an email. A lot of things that are happening are not for public knowledge (at least on this blog).

Happy November to you all.

Love and Light!


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