Best and Worst of the 2006 Reading List
I made my way through at least 76 books this year. I told you I was a heavy reader. So here's the breakdown.
My most read author of 2006: Mercedes Lackey. 14 novels total and that number jumps to 19 if you include the ones I read that she co-authored with James Mallory. Most of her books were rereads for me, although I did process a few 'new' books of hers.
First Runner up/Most Read Author: Raymond Feist. 11 Books, most of them new to me, very little ReReading in his tally.
Second Runner up/Most Read Author: Anne Rice. 5 books. All of them ReReads for me. I always run The Witching Hour Cycle once a year. Old favorites. The Witching Hour is still the most engrossing novel I've ever read.
Third Runner up/Most Read Author: Terry Brooks. 4 Books.
Best New Author to my reading cycles: Chez Brenchley for Bridge of Dreams. Look for the next novel, River of the World in April 2007.
Biggest Disappointment: Aerie - Mercedes Lackey. A complete turn around in character development. I no longer cared about the main characters, she alienated me from The Dragon Jousters Series. Plus is wasn't up to her typical story-telling ability.
Of the 76 books, 33 of them were ReReads, and 43 were New.
Honorable Mentions: The Cloudmage Series by S. L. Farrell. Brilliantly written and engrossing.
The Amber Wizard by David Forbes. Now if he would only get the next book done and continue this incredible story. A very commendable first novel.
Upon reviewing the list I realize I must make note that I didn't ReRead any Diana Gabaldon books in 2006. Odd, as they are usually part of the yearly cycle at some point. I'll put them on the list, but as you can see, I've started rereading the Eye of the World series by Robert Jordon, and that means I have 10 more significantly wordy books to get through before I start browsing anything else.
This years list includes 5 Newberry Award Winning books, that I remembered enjoying so much in my youth.
Happy Reading and Writing to you All. I'm off to get a jump start on 2007's list!
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