March Madness
Happy Monday to you all.
I didn't last too long last night. A very tiring day at the theatre. One of our chorus boys played his last show and there was a big to-do. We will miss him very much and I wish him the best in his future en devours.
There were a few other things going on as well. A certain coworker showed up late even for him. When you walk into the building and the show has already started, you are beyond late. No calls, no nothing. I'm more than a little perturbed that I didn't get a thank you or an I'm sorry. It resulted in a lot of extra work for everyone, myself included and I was not at a patient enough level to not let it bother me. I didn't become irritating until he failed to catch up. He was behind all day long, which resulted in even more work for me. Of course, I took the extra work upon myself, in the hopes we would catch up and get out of the building at a decent time. It was Sunday so there was dry cleaning to assemble and document, and the rest of the laundry and end of the week activities. The real kicker was when he looked at me at the end of the night and asked if I could haul the drying cleaning down stairs, as he had somewhere else he had to be. I was impressed, and it's only my friendship and love that kept me for completely coming unhinged. I just ignored it, and walked away. Believe me, I had some really CHOICE comments I could have made.
I hate it when people fail to meet my expectations.
The Amazing Race was kinda boring for me last night. I found myself rooting for Rob and Amber, which astounds me, but considering everyone else I think they are the best team at this point. Other teams amuse me more, but they are the best at working together. There was very little headgames being play last night, and that's all I really have to say about it. Not a very intriguing episode. I'll be sad to see David and Mary go, but that's the way of the race. I had hoped they would stay in it a bit longer, but alas, alack.
I'm powerfully hungry, so I'm going to the corner for breakfast. I'm up super early today and don't have anything to do until I either get an email from my friend in Indy who needs additional fabric purchased for his dance concert, or it's time for lunch with Scott. So my morning is mine, and I'm going to have breakfast and wait for the rest of the world to wake up. I have phone calls to make and business to do on this day off.
It's going to be a busy week. I'm doing two extra work calls this week, which effectively takes away any afternoon to myself this week except for today. I need to get organized and set up for the rest of the week...
Just a quick morning check in. Hope all is well...
Love and Light.
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