Tuesday, January 06, 2009



IT'S COLD BOO'S!!!! Seriously, we brought that nor'easter south with us! Dallas went from 80 degrees to 34 degrees the day before we arrived....

foreshadowing, it was...

of my cold heart

when it comes to dealing with ineptitude.

seriously people. i had one chick who was sick enough that she was hacking her brains out every 2 minutes... so much so that we Required her to wear mask during the show. oh her mom was also on the crew (and was actually the one decent (used the term lightly) crew person). i don't care that you are ill and that you got it from one of the last touring shows... why you gotta give it to me, and my crew to spread around.

please note, I'M STILL RECOVERING and don't need something new. i have VERY little patience for that. i realize people need work, but if you can't draw a steady breath, don't stand near me please.

yes, we had a whack ass crew, and we basically ended up doing a lot of the crew prep ourselves so that we would actually get it done. those of you who have worked my show already, would shudder when i state it took the two of them 8 hours to steam 4 racks of clothes, and no, i'm not kidding. even with careful prodding.

next time: TAZER

i even caught one of them pawing through our roadboxes "like it was her own closet".... needless to say, that sent my boss completely over the edge.

so yes, dallas was cold, rainy, and incompetent. i was constantly thinking of one of my favorite susan surandon lines from that great movie.... "God, i Hate texas..."

i'm not surprized of course, i was down here 10 years and i remember...

now i'm sitting in san antonio, and it's 10 degrees warmer (so a whopping 43) although it is forecast to be 64 and i'm praying to Ra to bring on the sun to burn through this haze. my lungs need heat, my skin needs the baking rays. if i have to suffer through texas, i want a little heat... and not the kind that comes from racing around trying to mount a show with a roomful of idiots.

well, we have the day off, and i've got some fun errands i want to attend to today. i require new tennis shoes. i realized yesterday that i have worn the current pair out during the last leg. if i'm on my feet all day (and i am) then i need a bouncy pair of shoes. plus, today is national release day for Yasmine Galenorn's latest book, and i simply must have it! it's not quite noon and the sun is actually beginning to shine, so hopefully we will see a temperature increase and i can wander this city in a bit more comfort.

that being said, i got a decent couple of hours of sleep once we arrived at 6am this morning. even with pills i am having problems sleeping on the bus. perhaps it IS time to start drinking, and damn the consequences.

i'll rally eventually. it's only 7 weeks left... i am not thrilled about our locations much for the next couple of weeks... although i do have plans to see a dear old friend of mine from high school while i am in NC, whom i haven't seen since high school!!! so that will be most fun catching up and seeing her new place and catching up on what we have been doing in the last (mutters) few years!!!!

people continue to inform me that they are losing their jobs.... again, i state how blessed i am....

the wheels on the bus go round and round...

love and light


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back and typing again, darling :-) :-)

oxoxox's from La La land...

January 07, 2009 2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dallas has one of the worst local crews with which I've ever worked. Enough said.

San Antonio = Naked Iguana. Great place.

Run out and buy the Jan. issue of GOURMET -- Italian issue.

That'll warm you up!

January 07, 2009 8:54 AM  

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