False Sense of Security?
It was 70 degrees in the city yesterday. Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL weather. The first Really nice taste of spring that we've had will be short lived though. It's forecast to be slightly cooler today, but rain/sleet/snow tonight and tomorrow. Back to the arctic tundra for a couple of days. It was a teaser, but all of NYC now has a taste of the spring fever.
Running around the city yesterday without coats or scarves or wraps of any kind was nice. (He says as he eyeballs the heavy winter coat he'll be wearing again tomorrow). Just a teaser, but spring IS only a mere couple of days away...
So much going on here right now. I worked like a fiend last week; pulling doubles on 5 of the 6 days of my work week, which left me a complete idiot (yes, I said it) by the time I hit Sunday afternoon. It was a hectic week at work for us boys to boot; several people out and lots of changing of the guards. Fortunately, most of it was planned and not last minute. I have to say that work has been almost pleasant the last couple of weeks. We've gone through some cast changes in the last few months and we have a pretty decent group now. The dressing room has a calmer feel to it now, the performers who liked to stir up trouble and drama are elsewhere, and we have a higher ratio of adults to children now. It's so much easier when you have people who 'get it' as opposed to performers who simply think they are entitled or are just unaware. Plus, a certain someone who usually tends to get my blood up, has been on a blissfully Long 3 week vacation, and the attitudes and environment have completely changed without him being around. The lady who is covering for him has always been a favorite of mine, and proves that things can be handled in a professional way without all of the senseless and basically irritating babble, lording about, and backstabbing. (showbusiness is Glamerous, remember). AND (WOOT WOOT) the end of this month will see the long awaited, highly anticipated return of my movie-making monkey to the broadway stage; and a 'smell you later' to the long-term replacement that I've barely managed to stomach for the last 6 months. Those of you old enough to remember Charlie Brown cartoons may recall a character called 'Pig-Pen,' you know the one who walked around everywhere in a dustcloud. It fits; perfectly. Hopefully I've served enough Penance. It has NOT been 'good times' dealing with Pig-Pen 6 days a week for the last 6 months. I am looking forward to April, and returning to my 'true' show rhythm/routine.
In other mind-blowing news: I've started dating again. Yes, really. It boggles my mind; real honest Dating. It's going well. I'm getting out of the house (that in itself is a positive) and enjoying the time. Evidently it's going well, I got a call back and have a second date later this week. If nothing else I'm going to have another good friend out of the experience, and one who is a very positive influence. Plus I'm enjoying the affirmation that there are decent, honest, and kind people out there. And he's an adult... (thank you, thank you, thank you)
Spring Fever?!~
Shouting out a special Thanks and "you rock!" to Devon. I've been on edge a lot this year and you always make me feel better, even when your washing machine is floating down the street after your old car. Just want you to know how much I appreciate and value your friendship and insight. You really are one great lady!!! I can't wait to see the new rabbit!!!
This is my only afternoon left this week, so I must get cleaned up and going. Errands and appointments to complete while it's still 'no jacket weather!'
Love and Light!
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