It's been almost a month since I've written. I've been too busy. I've been working Doubles, if not triples, for the last 4 weeks. This is what happens when Imp gets a twitchy feeling, and finds himself working on 3 different broadway shows at a time. (If there is one thing I can still do, it's multi-task...)
Anyhow, it's taken all of my time and effort just to keep up with my schedule. But it's all paid off, literally and figuratively.
I have reached the next level of my plan to change my job up a bit. I'm officially on a 3 month hiatus from running the show, starting tomorrow. I am switching back to days. Less Hours, better control of my schedule and as far as swinging goes, I get to decided when and where I wish to do so. And I'm only working 5 days a week instead of 6. This is as close to 'normal' of a schedule as I get. I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm going to be home evenings again. I'm very Much looking forward to that, as are the girrls.
There has been an awful lot going on here, but no time to sit down and write about it. Things should get much easier next week, once I'm through the transition. I'll still be working on 3 different broadway shows, but I'm now focusing on stitching and nice laundry calls to earn my bread. No more actors for a while!!!
Spring is finally upon us here in the big apple. My fan has been in the window for 4 days now. YAH!!!
Love and Light to you all. I'll trying and get off a decent catchup post soon!
Love to you. I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to change!
It's been A LONG time coming, hasn't it?!
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