Wednesday, January 09, 2008

May Days in January

It was almost 70 degrees here yesterday, all day, and upper 50's into and through the night. Don't get me wrong, it was delightful. The windows were open at home, a nice airing out took place. It's hard to believe it's January!!

Of course, it was FRIDGED cold for 2 days just last week, requiring the heavy winter coats, gloves, and hats. The kind of cold that makes one jump on the internet and start pricing flights to Florida. Yes, of course, I'm looking at flights to florida, but first I'm still waiting on Darren to publish his US concert dates, cause I'm not going to florida until I know where Darren is going to be in March!!

I'm finally cabled in the bedroom!!! YAH! HD!! Finally got my hd dvr, and so I got a really cool episode of The Universe (history channel) to watch when I got home last night....

All is going well on the homefront. Getting settled in nicely, and it feels like home. Happy, but would be happier spending a bit more time at home. Come March I'm going to be more than ready for a holiday.

Work continues. This week is going to be agreat week. 2 of my favorite people return to performing in the show this week. One has been out on medical leave since September, the other has only been out a week and a 1/2. Always good to have my favorites back and onstage again.

Time to start the day. Love and Light to you all!!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year

2008. Here we are!!!

1: New apartment
2: New job (no don't panic, I'm still at the broadway show too... a(nother) new Job
3: No time in my life for anything but work.

Lock and Load kids, it's 2008. I'm thankful that this week is a light week for me. I'm only doing 8 shows and 3 daywork calls this week, AND I actually had a real/stay-at-home day off this week.

I believe I'm completely done dealing with the old apartment. I am so glad to be out of that dump!! I mailed the keys to the office this morning. To my knowledge, all of the last bills have been paid for the old place. Now I'm waiting for my deposit and interest. But the weight is lifted.

My roommate is on holiday and I have the place to myself this week, and kittah duty. I'm not completely unpacked, and I had the deadline of Jan 8th to be finished unpacking. *Let's face it, do we EVER really Finish unpacking?* The cable company comes out on the 8th to rewire the house. I am finally going to get HD cable for my hd tv, and they are going to hard wire the computer in my bedroom. This will make me an incredibly happy imp. Just think, soon I'll be able to watch new Stargate Atlantis episodes in HD. So thrilled!!

I spent a few hours on New Years Eve (my day off) hanging pictures and tightening up the pack. I didn't really unpack anything new, i just organized and condensed what was already open and out. My closets need drastic help, shelving units/racks/SOMETHING.

It's so very quiet out here in Woodside. After years of 9th Avenue being a constant blare in the background, the peacefulness of the new house is a major blessing. It's worth the commute!!

I bit the bullet hard last night, and rolled a few grand out of the savings account and finally paid off the London trip and moving. I was carrying London due to concern over having liquid assets during the impending strike. The money was there, but I wasn't about to spend it until I knew I was back on broadway, and then of course there was the having to pay for two flats in december, and moving. The universe smiled on the whole thing though; its nice to have the money you need to do things, when you need/want to do them.

Now I'm super thrilled that I've moved, cause the rent check is now HALF, my bills are now Half, and perhaps coincidentally my sanity is now Half! LMAO Anyhow, I'm pleased that the end of hemmoriaging insane amounts of money is over. At least until I embark on my next EA (that's European Adventure).

The girrls have adjusted to being 2 of 4 kittahs. They really don't venture far from the bedroom unless I'm not in it. I'm still very much Daddy, but my bedroom is the freaking playroom, for all of them. Someday soon I'm going to get the office emptied (it's holding the sewing equipement and the rest of my boxes) and get the litter box moved out of my BRDM and into the office. I have no desire to continue to be intimately knowledgable of Little Roo's bowels at 3:30 am, and yes folks, it's like clockwork; I could set my clock by it, I could swear she tells time.

Still adjusting to the house, but it is already starting to feel like home, and I'm happy here.

That being said, I'm off to bed. My first appointment of the day is @ 9:30 am, and I won't be back home until 11:30pm.

Yes, I'm Tired, and a bit sillier than is normal for me. But.... in July, when I'm rolling through Palio di Siena, and laying on the beaches of Marina di Camerota with my ever so handsome and wonderful Italian, I'm not even going to remember December and January.

I'm gonna stand with him on the mountains
I'm wanna bathe with him in the sea(s)

Hell, I'm not even going to remember flying monkeys, that I guarantee you.

Love and Light in the New Year!!!