Sunday, August 03, 2008

Less than a week

The preparation and the Pack continues... I depart this Saturday for Boston and the beginning of one of the biggest (and for me, most exciting) jobs in my career.

The equipment and tools have been sorted and repacked. My small kit is packed and ready to travel.

I'm having major issues with personal clothing. At one point in time, the only colour in my wardrobe was black; now it's decidedly blue. Tiffany Blue, baby blue, but Blue. It is time for a return to black; show blacks. I had a good shopping trip last week that included a great pair of black cargo pants (comfort first), and a handful of black shirts... I am still not complete.

Can you imagine trying to pack 2 suitcases to travel and successfully clothe yourself for the next 7 months?

It's been many, many years (at least 12) since I had to pack for such an extended gig. I used to be able to pack the day before and out the door I would go. Perhaps I'm older and crankier now; I'm decidedly older anyway. I can't imagine how I'm going to do it. I'm not overwhelmed, this is what I do for a living. It's just been a long time and I'm a bit out of my personal comfort zone at the moment.

Let's face it: I could pack one full suitcase (overweight of course) of nothing but shoes....

It will all come together soon. I'm going to make it all come together soon. I must. I must also remember not to leave with both suitcases full, for there will be no room for further purchases...

The easy stuff is accomplished. There are new t-shirts, socks, and underwear already packed. Everything matches of course (I refuse to mate socks unless they are paying my union scale). Shiny white new t-shirts (pit stains do not travel), and comfortable drawers (cause when you are working 18 hour days, there is NO patience for undies that creep, crawl, or bind).

I still need to find a pair of tour shoes. I think the last time I did an arena tour I estimated that I walked about 5 miles a day... around and around the arena. I think perhaps this tour will be less running, but until I get there, I don't really know.

Another black pair of pants and at least 4 more shirts are needed. Of course I want to look my best. One must not appear to take care of HerSelf looking like a rag-muffin!!!

I'm having separation anxiety already... The kittens know something is going on; they realize what the suitcase means. They just don't realize just how long Daddy is going to be away. Of course I am not worried about their care. My roommate is a top notch caregiver (no offense AuntiE, and thanks for being able to step up if the need arises); but I still worry. They are my babies...

Today I purchase the 'other' suitcase. It was on the list o things to do yesterday, but was trumped by the rather intense morning thunderstorm. I was not hauling luggage home in the rain. By the time the rain passed, I was too engrossed in home projects to leave the house.\

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.

Almost all of the business aspects of my life are now managed. I am ready on that end. Bills are up to date, the new laptop is running and has all the required info transferred over to it. I am once again "Mobile."

Speaking of Mobile, it's time to get out of the house and get some of that shopping done. I just wish I was more in the mood to do it....

Until the next time:

Love and Light!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also remember -- you can shop in other cities.

So, if you run out, or see a great sale -- on one of your off days, it's time to hit the racks!

You'll be great, you'll have a wonderful time, and yes, there's a lot of separation anxiety . . .

But it will be a grand opportunity.

August 08, 2008 8:36 AM  

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