Can't Win
There are times when you just can't win.
I wish I could tell you how much fun I had on my day off. I had a lot planned too, including free tickets to see a new broadway show Monday night, and dinner with Scott.
Alas, alack, I spent the early morning at the Dr's office and the rest of the day in bed. This weeks offering is Strep Throat. Work is annoyed because I can't seem to go more than 2 weeks without being sick. I am annoyed because I can't seem to bring home a full months salary. But as I told Scott, at least I'm not laying in bed dying...
Post your get well wishes here... I could use a few smiles.
After calling out of work I took several advil and a long hot shower. Thus fortifying myself enough to crawl out of the house. Hell, if I'm going to be home, I want my new Mercedes Lackey book and the XMEN movie that was released today. Yes, I got both... and a few other things to boot. Now I'll have something to read and watch later this afternoon. After I finish the last of the beef stew that I made the day before I got sick.
It's a beautiful day in NYC, the sun is out and it's in the lower 70's. And I'm not going to work for at least another day. Sigh
Love and Light!
I Know I Need A Different Job. I'm doing my best to make the positive changes I need in order to REorder my life. I've had (Yet Another) Stern talking to myself about NOT manafesting illness. I KNOW I need to get out, and the wheels are in motion. First thing is to get out from under this overpriced apartment. Lower bills means I don't HAVE to work 8 shows a week = less stress. Then I'll be comfortable giving up the cash cow and becoming a swing again. But I can't survive on only swing money right now.
It's an ugly circle, but change is coming. If I can only manage to get and stay healthy. It's really started to bum me out. I've never been a sickly person, and I know the show is partly responsible. Missing work stresses me out too, because you know I don't have any sick days left.
I'm currently waiting for the Dr's office to call me back. I'm not getting better. I'm not getting any worse either but the antibiotics aren't clearing it up. I know it's only day 3 but I usually am at least starting to feel better at this point. So I'm taking the opportunity to pay some bills while I'm up and psuedo-functioning. If I take enough Advil I can swallow without too much discomfort. So at least I can stay hydrated and eat!
Good thing I'm not feeling too sorry for myself, right?!
If anyone has seen my health, please tell it to return immediately.
L & L
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