I felt Lazy yesterday. I got a lot of things accomplished, but none of them included anything outside of my apartment. Perhaps it was the chill in the air, or perhaps it was just simply laziness. I didn't want to leave the apartment, and so I didn't.
This gave me plenty of time to sit in front of the computer and take care of the various things that cropped up in the last week and 1/2; and to do the usual Monday chores. But the market or the post office? Forget about it. Not happening. Which leaves me with a relatively full errand schedule today, and here I am at the almost crack of dawn, getting ready to do things that need to be done. Some of these errands are even outside of the typical 15 block radius that I normally travel in. I'm feeling up for it though, and have been reminding myself not to sit in front of this computer all morning. Rain/sleet/snow has been forecast and I really Don't want to be out in that... it could scour what little Tan I have away.
So yesterday was a Lazy Monday after I got the house chores done. What did this specific Lazy Monday entail? A lot of email reading, confirmation of this weeks appointments, and several hour long episodes of Stargate Atlantis Season One on Dvd. I got dressed, stepped outside and changed my mind. Back inside and turned on the TV. The girls were thrilled.
One of the goals of the vacation was to phone the various female members of my family. Life has been so crazy since the fall, I haven't had much chance (nor patience) to gab. Evidently, my sisters are busy too, as I left messages for all of them. I did get to speak to my dear mother though, for almost an hour, while I was wading through the gulf of Mexico surf...
Well, the coffee is cold and I need to get bundled up and start the tearing around. Today I go back to work. Holiday is at an end, back to the grindstone.
Next holiday is in Italy in the fall. Standby for details, rants, raves, and monkey business.
Love and Light!
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