Saturday, August 30, 2008

Drama, Load-in, Lawyers, and Inappropriate Behavior

The day started a bit on the wild side. 7:30 wake up call so that I could attend the venue by 9am. I arrived 10 minutes early to find our crates in our hallway, right where I expected them to be. I grabbed (a second) cup of coffee and headed back to the wardrobe room where I was greeted by 3 of our past local crew (who were requested by us to return for the following 2 shows). After genuine heartfelt greetings I noticed that they were all tense. I started moving roadboxes around while I was pondering what was happening. It was then the local president stepped into the room and asked when the boss was arriving. Our boss got a busy start to the day. I can't go into this situation in depth, but it concerned the person who was replaced when we were last here. This person showed up for the call and was huffy when she found she wasn't on the call. Letters were written, lawyers were called (on both sides) and evenutally it resolved itself to our satisfaction. Although this person continued to hang out in the hall of the venue and shoot frosty glares at us whenever we passed.

Inappropriate behavior is not tolerated nor rewarded. You reap what you sow.

The day progressed smoothly after the rough morning. Considering that I had 2 meal breaks of 15 minutes each, it went very well!

We walked away from the venue at 4 pm and the three of us did a little shopping together and then enjoyed (yet another) delicious dinner out together.

You are getting sick of hearing it, I know; but I really dig the people that I work with. My boss never runs out of interesting stories and we all have the same sense of humour and are constantly cracking each other up. At least they crack ME up, and that goes a Long way in our 12, 14, 16, 18 hour days.

Tour update. We are continuing to book dates in February 2009. It is going on and on. I still believe we are going to wrap early April though. Only time will tell!

Exciting news!! We are finally getting our tour buses!!! They will arrive here and take us back Stateside and to Buffalo early next week. Interesting tidbit, I keep telling you this tour is mega, right. There are no less than 7 tour buses (sleepers @ 12 bunks a bus)on this leg of the tour. Just saying. I'm going to get a firm semi count soon, they are still adding and moving equipment around, and we don't have the swag truck yet either. But we do have swag!!!

I'm off to bed early. Tomorrow begins the 2 days of close-up shots for the dvd. It's going to be a very busy day with extra people and cooks in the building, if you get my drift.

Cheers to my mates that are traveling to Europe with the Ballet. Continue kicking butt boys. I love you all and can't wait to see you again!

Love and Light to you all, even the crazy ones. (especially the crazy ones!) ;-)


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