Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Home. There is no place like it, is there?

I had a very special arrival home too. My Roommate rocks. I really pleased to come home to a CLEAN house. OK, our house is usually tidy (with the occasional sewing project strewn throughout the living room)but she deserves major treats for the condition of the house. The kitchen was spotless, the floors are shining; even the stairs, which are notorious furball traps, were spotless. It is so great to come home to a gleaming house.

Then it got even better because I had clean sheets setting on my bed AND a gooey cake on the stove (if you have to ask, Gooey cake is divine, and in my opinion, even better than her brownies). The weight gain continues... I can't stress how FABULOUS it was

Little Roo met me at the door, and was more than convinced she needed second breakfast (or lunch).

Sigh. I'm home.

The last show went pretty well. It was a Very long day for us, but we had a decent crew and drove all day and all night to get through it. I have stories but they must be relayed in person and not publicly. hehehe

I'm a little ticked about my new laptop though. Just yesterday the left shift key flew off. Yes I was typing, and then it just popped off. One of the 3 locking devices was obviously faulty, as it's broken. It's difficult to type when you can't capitalize on the left!!! Now I've got to get on the phone and find out who's going to fix this and how long it's going to take them. Papa is only on a 10 day break.

I've spent the day making appointments to the various people. I'm getting my flu shot tomorrow, and hopefully seeing the dentist as well.

Now it's time to make a few short personal calls. Don't be offended if you don't get one today people. I had to wade over a pile of mail to get to by bed, and none of it is my travel magazines. Then I'm going to cut myself a piece of gooey cake and reward myself with an hour of Stargate Atlantis....

Then I'm going to settle back into Magic and the Modern Girl, Mindy Klasky's third book in her Magic Series. If you haven't already done so, get her books. Neko is a very hilarious character, and i've enjoyed all the books. Special thanks to Sister sue for loaning me new latest book!!!

Love and Light to you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home, baby!

October 02, 2008 12:23 PM  

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