Currently listing to one side in Atlanta
We are sick. Not just the royal We either. So many of us on this tour are falling ill that the promoter has scheduled a DR to come to the venue tomorrow. Sinus infections, bronchial, inner ear. We are a mess.
So I’m currently listing to one side, as I am experiencing my first ear infection in years. Nothing like being transported back to childhood. I knew something was awry a few days ago; I was getting cranky and just didn’t feel right. (yes, I know, I haven’t been right in years) but this was above and beyond.
The news that made me giddy is the fact that I was diagnosed by HerSelf’s ear/nose/throat specialist. So not only do I share a hairstylist but also a DR. what a trip it’s been… we’ve now shared a stethoscope, and examination tools. I’m very VERY grateful to Dr. G., and very lucky he was around and gracious enough to take the time to look at me. I took a 2 mile walk R/T to Walgreens this morning to get my latest z-pac. Hopefully I start to feel better soon!
OK, I left you in Houston, so it’s time for Nashville and Birmingham. Ugh. I was sick, and honestly not having much of it. The crews in the south are not union, and I’m tired of training people. It is too much to ask for to have experienced crews in the south. Some have been good, but let me share my favorite quote from the Houston crew, “we are all professionals, on the side”
Nuff said…
So now I’m chillin my heels in Atlanta, where the temperature is a whopping 17 degrees. I feel for you peeps up north…
That’s all I got for you today. I’m going back to bed, and curling up with a book (or two) and my antibiotics and orange juice.
I personally think it’s a little too soon, but the countdown has commenced. 18 shows and 4 border crossings to go. Can I tell you how much I’m looking forward to my >24 hours in san juan with no sleep?
No, I’m not complaining nor whining. Just stating the fact.
Thank Isis for my coworkers who have had my back the last couple of days. This would be hell without them….
Love and Light
Feel better soon.
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