Number 30
So this is it!! My 30th blog posting. Does this mean that Costume Imp has reached middle age?!
Now... if I only had something to say!!
NYC is back to brisk weather now but Mother Nature was working very hard to lull us into a false sense of security. We had two whole days last week in the 60's. It was marvelous, especially when you remember it's the middle of January. I actually got out and got some things done and enjoyed the weather at the same time.
It was a relatively good week at work. Two original chorus people returned to their roles in the show this week; a star returned to his role for a limited engagement while da Wiz is on vacation. The show is still adjusting and settling itself since our big Principal change-over last week. I must mention how delighted I am. So far all of the changes have gone very smoothly and the backstage dynamic has really improved. The chorus has become more cohesive and dynamic. Those poor kids should be tired, they have been in daily rehearsals for over two weeks now, basically doing the equivalent of 10 or 11 shows in 6 days. All in all the show has taken on it's next incarnation and I like it. Postive Changes!!
I've watched the entire first season of Stargate Atlantis on dvd. It was great to kick back and enjoy my new electronics and watch all the episodes back to back. I also approve of the changes they have made in the second season, both in adding both character and additional plot development. I can't wait to see more, and highly recommend this series.
Dinner has arrived, and I'm famished so that's all for the big 3 - 0. All is good in Oz.
Love and Light
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