Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It sure is Icky outside. I was yanked from sleep this morning by the sound of cellophane crinkling. Very annoying, I was convinced that there was a rodent in the bedroom, rustling plastic. Only to discover it was in fact Sleet, hitting the windows! At least I don't have critters. After pulling back the drapes and seeing what it looks like outside, I've decided I'm taking the subway to work this morning so I don't have to wade through ALL the mess.

I got an email this morning from one of my sisters. My high school theatre director/teacher/mentor/pain-in-the-ass (and I mean that so lovingly) passed away sometime this week. My sister saw the obituary. We had a lot of ups and downs together the last two years of my high school career, but I've since grown out of that, and I'm going to miss her terribly. Our theatrical community back home will not be the same without her.

Time to get cleaned up and ready for the round of today's pageants.

Yesterday was just as fun as I had anticipated, and even more so. My trainee arrived at work 45 minutes late. Which means there is a whole lot of pre-show set up and direction that he completely missed. And he's going to have to find someone to bring him up to speed on it. I can't wait that long to get started. I'm free of it today, as he returns tomorrow for his 2nd and final training exercise on my track.

In other news, there are 3 other tracks that he has yet to learn, and so it didn't HAVE to be ME he followed. (Granted, I could be missing something as yet unseen.) But I still feel like it was some sort of punishment for going on vacation. Added to the whole dressing stars in LA fiasco, it honestly makes me think that they are trying to irritate me intentionally. Perhaps, Perhaps not, but if nothing else, it's a valid feeling and emotion. Taking it for what it's worth. Not dwelling on it; just another nail in coffin as far as I'm concerned.

May 2007 be the year I land another show/hit/job/apartment/career/passion/partnership. Enough has happened in my life in the last 6 months that I'm not letting things of this nature get under my skin as deeply as they used to. I have bigger things to think and worry about, and refuse to waste a lot of time bemoaning things I have little-to-no control over. "Remove all that doesn't serve" And this show and management serves less and less every day.

That is not bitching. It is merely stating the simple fact. I didn't spend a few hours reworking my resume on Monday for nothing...

Love and Light to you all.


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