Friday, February 01, 2008

February is here

I'm still standing too. It's February. I'm still working two jobs and am rarely home. Tis all good though.

The ballet will be leaving NYC at the end of the month for the first traveling gigs of 2008, namely the Kennedy Center in DC, followed by London.

Imp will also be in London at the end of February, to once again take in a concert by his Lordship, Mr Darren Hayes. Whom canceled his US tour, forcing me to once again board a plane and fly to London to catch the show!!! A quick trip this time, merely a weekend for me. But it's nice to see what a 'decent' rent bill and a Broadway gig (plus the ballet) can provide... (at 1am in the morning, when Imp is all Mad... and decided to spend a little of his Mad Money).

Wow. There is so much happening around here now. I can't get into it all. But I continue to learn and evolve. It's funny how moving out of the city has reinforced a few feelings of mine, not to mention, bringing others into the light. And then learning to deal with it all.

Funny that I moved because I didn't want to work so hard, and yet I'm back to having a completely full schedule. Of course the debt peels away like 3 day old sunburn (until i book flights to London on an apparent whim), and it is all for the good. What is the point of working yourself to the point of incoherence if you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor?

The Job (you know the one) has become just that; a job. I don't know if it is from exhaustion or apathy, but I'm amazingly not engaged at the play. I mean, I show up and I do my gig and I get the hell out of there; all the while keeping my eye on the Prize. (which of course, you know is my EA's).

I had not planned on leaving the country until June/July for Italy, but now London looms large. It will be a good time, regardless of the fact that everyone whom I enjoy traveling with isn't going to be there. LOL The Italian decided not to attend (he has prior commitments, for which he is grudgingly forgiven). My travel buddy is working as hard as I am and cannot get away (for which he is also forgiven). But I will be seeing the trust fund Hollanders while I am in London, and that is always a good time. I met them in London last trip and it will be great to see them again!!!

Currently awaiting the arrival of two final w-2's. The ones from the shows that closed (two of them) that I just failed to get my new address to. I mean, come on. I worked 3 Broadway shows last year, plus the ballet, the opera, and my personal favor gigs to boot. I just forgot to deal with the two that closed, and so now I'm being held up by the us postal system. I have had three pieces of mail forwarded since I moved. THREE. Now I changed most of the important things before I actually moved, and I'm receiving most of the mail sent directly to the house (that's a long story too, about the crazy granny who lives downstairs, but that's for another blog entry). But my receipts are all entered, all I need to do is print the report and schedule the appointment to have them done; after the rest of my paperwork arrives.

I must get moving. I have to haul the laundry to the matte in the rain this morning, or else I won't be able to carry it early next week. I'm due up the ballet this afternoon.

Just a few final words:

1) I dislike it when people fail to live up to my expectations.
2) I dislike sloppiness.
3) The universe has been trying to teach me patience for 35 years and yet.....

Love and Light!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still missing the W-2 from The Job. They haven't bothered to mail it. Got everything else. It's the only outstanding one.

Why am I not surprised?

February 01, 2008 3:51 PM  

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