Thursday, December 08, 2005

Messed Up

I shouldn't even be writing this, as it's going to be taken as whining.
I'm 'officially' back from vacation. So much for the relief of being away. It's been a very hard transition back to this city and at a difficult time of the year too. My body is doing everything in it's power to rebel against me, and despite my best efforts, it's winning. My entire emotional and spiritual center is completely out of whack. If you've seen me in the last week you know what I'm talking about. I'm not angry; just exhausted. My stress level has been running at such a high rate for so long now that my own body is beginning to display severe signs of unhappiness.

Don't get me wrong, I'm attempting to make some changes, but patience has never been high on my list of attributes; I'm too much of a control freak. I'm literally living moment to moment, and breath to breath today. I've had enough of 2005, it's been chaotic at its best. I can only hope I can get my energy back under control before the winter solstice.

Keep me in your thoughts if you will, as I attempt to regain some basic balance in my life. Yes, it really does feel as if the only solution is to start completely over.

Love and Light My Friends


Anonymous Anonymous said...

2006 will be much, much better for you. I promise.

December 11, 2005 1:19 AM  

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