Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I had a sudden realization at some point this morning. Seems I have several "James" in my little head. Kinda funny, isn't it?!

Anyhow, I don't want the other James's to feel left out. I can't make any further comments; they could be held against me later. But here's a few other James that float my boat. (Brooding is so sexy).

Licks and Lust!

Monday, November 27, 2006


With many thanks to CBS:

I've developed a fun crush, and I see him every Sunday night. He's handsome (rumour has it he's a model). Not too long ago I watched him make his way through a muddy obstical course, and nearly lost my mind. I've also watched him drive Russian Tanks, and race chariots in old movie sets.

It's all well and good that he's so athletic, but what I admire most is lips and his hair. He's got Amazing brooding spells. He's very James Dean, which just triggers an overload of hormonal responses. I see no reason to stay silent any longer.... James, I'm in serious lust with you, and if you won't let me bend you over and tack you to the mattress myself, will you at least let me watch you bang Tyler?

Franco, please do not feel diminished. You've got the best brood, hair, and lips ever created and you will forever remain in my mind the current James Dean.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Change in the Aire

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. The weather outside was frightful, as anyone who watched part of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade can attest to. Cold, Rainy, and Windy. It was very delightful though Inside. After getting up, I made the requisite phonecalls to the family and chatted away with the relatives in Michigan, and got all the details on Mom's new house which is being delivered Monday of next week. She's more than got her hands full, and evidently the family had it's annual Dinner amidst the boxes stacked all over the house in preparation for the move.

Meanwhile, here in NYC, people were also cooking turkey, and putting together casseroles for the feast. I started the day with a delightful pre-dinner brunch at Scotts before we headed over to Erics place for the 10th Annual 'U got no place to go" dinner. This years event was one of the best yet. Everything was delicious and we all had a grand time catching up with each other. We had more than a dozen people present this year and was an all around good time.

Now I am settling in to a mega weekend of work. I didn't have a show yesterday, and in order to still get in 8 performances a week, we have a matinee today (Friday), followed by a 'normal' weekend of shows; which basically boils down to me having 6 calls to do before the end of this week in only 3 days.

Next week will be a fun week as well, with a new main monkey going into the show. This week will be a flurry of rehearsals for the new kid, (and I do mean Kid as we have yet another 19 year old in the show). His big put-in rehearsal will on on Thursday. On that Friday, I have a meeting and orientation at one of the costume shops in town with the designer (from London) of the new wings that will be going into the show here at some point. And then my birthday is on Saturday and GASP, I'm actually working. I decided to not take the day off this year. I'm saving it for when Becki arrives to visit later in the month. I've taken a Sunday off instead, so that we can have a civilized brunch and then attend a show ourselves; you know, like the rest of the world... hehehe

I did get more of the apartment painted this week. I got possessed on Monday and it's all for the good. The apartment continue to shape up rather nicely. Now I just need an afternoon to work on the bathroom and I'll be done with the big apartment projects. I'm hoping to have that bathroom day soon, or at least before B arrives. But I'm an no fool. This time of year alone is hectic; couple it with a broadway schedule and visitors arriving and it's totally out of control. I feel ahead of the game right now but starting next week I don't have any free afternoons to myself to do projects (or rest). So it will quickly go from ahead to behind. Luckily I got a few Christmas gifts taken care of already, for the more important people and have a game plan for the rest of the things I will need.

I really enjoyed the holiday this year. I didn't suffer the feeling of 'aloneness' as acutely as I normally do. I'm not sure if I didn't allow it, or didn't dwell on it, but either way, it was a good holiday. Holidays are always a time of reflection for me, and that typically means that I dreg up my insecurities and fears right along with my passion and my successes. I didn't dwell on it this year...

Off to the salt mines. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and Happy Holidays to you all.

Love and Light!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It is my 100th Post!!

Congratulations to Costume Imp! We are celebrating our 100th post here on blogger.

I’ve been tagged twice by D. over at Ink in my Coffee, so here’s 10 interesting(?) things about myself:

I really was born a red-head.

While I am now a fully accredited NYC gay, right down to the broadway gig, I grew up on a farm and am well versed in bailing hay, shoveling shit, plowing fields, and castrating hogs. (Something all evil chorus boys should note, I wield a very deft razorblade).

For the first time in my life, I am now sporting facial hair in public.

I am positively addicted to The National Geographic Channel, and The Discovery Channels Live Space Station Feed.

I love to paint. Walls and interiors. I find it very therapeutic. One of the best things about having my own apartment is being able to paint whatever I want, unrestrained by roommates or lovers. I love to paint. I’ve also dated a scenic artist.

I’m terrified of snakes and clowns. I have actually been CHASED by snakes (blue racers from the Michigan swamp land). I have managed to desensitize myself somewhat to snakes. I can actually watch them on TV now without cringing too much. But clowns? Forget it. They creep me out.

I am the oldest of 6 children; my family is neither Catholic nor Irish. Unlike a majority of the US households, my parents are still married. My Father is a farmer and my mother is a retired Home Economics Teacher. My oldest traceable relative was Court Doctor to the Russain Czar of the 1600's.

I once toured the country doing Christmas Installations for Hotels, Casinos, Hospitals, and Shopping Malls.

I’ve seen a lot of famous people. Naked. I also know Julia Roberts’ cup size.

Most interesting to me, I have set two records for myself. I have lived in my current apartment for 3 years now; longer than I lived anywhere except for the farmhouse. My current job is also on the top of a list. I have been with this show for 2 full years (in January 2007).

Saturday, November 18, 2006

“Never Insist on having your way. Merely Have it; and say nothing.”

Many thanks to Chris S. for her delightful and hilarious words of wisdom, which never fail to bring a smile to my face.

Love and Light!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Congrats to Sis

Congratulations go out to my sis Tina Sue, who called to announce her engagement to Geoff. I must find time today to return that phone call. She called on Saturday night, right as the show started and I haven't had time this weekend to call her back... I'm a bad brother sometimes...

I made it through the week at the show. They are putting them through the wringer. Seems after 3 years on Broadway the people still aren't satisfied with the show. New Choreography, new Blocking, and rumour has it, new scenic elements. Someone pretty high up wants it changed, or they wouldn't be pouring so much money into implementing the changes. Uhm, don't most long running musicals DownScale after a few years?

WOW, November already. It's crept into the end of the year. Unbelieveable. The Tree outside my window started changing colors yesterday. It's half burnt sienna and half green. A sign that Old Man Winter is on his way.

I had an interesting job offer (very preliminary stages) last week and am waiting to see what comes of it. I put my best foot forward, told her I was interested, and now we are waiting to see what the people who will pay me think. If it works out, I'll be moving to the other coast. If nothing comes of it, then at least I had the offer (and one that I'm sure I'll receive again). Let's just say I can now say that I have a multiple Emmy award winning actress who wants ME to be the one taking care of her and her clothes when she's performing.

Rough night here last night. I was the recieptant of several disturbing dreams last night, most of which I don't remember; except for the part where my jaw came off of my face and I was holding it in my hands, examining it. I woke up in a complete panic and my face was all pins and needles. At least it was all attached. :-)

Our Publistist for the show, the one we found out (just last week) only had a short time to live, passed away yesterday. I saw the notice on a theatre website this morning. My thoughts go out to his partner, his family, and his office. We will miss you Bob.

I'm in the thick of the Mayfair Chronicles. I've spent the last 10 days re-devouring The Witching Hour and Lasher. I'm about to move onto Taltos. I'm back into the lush and rich world of Anne Rice, New Orleans, and her Mayfairs. It is a yearly read for me, and usually happens around this time of year. The Witching Hour is one of the best novels Anne has ever written.

I will most likely be posting less here on CostumeImp in the coming months. Several things are in flux right now, demanding my attention, and have to be dealt with. So don't get worried if I'm not posting as often. Shoot me an email. A lot of things that are happening are not for public knowledge (at least on this blog).

Happy November to you all.

Love and Light!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm Ahead

I'm ahead of the game people!
This will be the first thanksgiving in about 3 years where I am not insanely scouring the midtown grocery stores for French's Onions. (No thanksgiving in complete without the green bean casserole). I stopped on the way home today and got everything that I needed. This year I won't be scrambling around the Day before Thanksgiving, trying to find a can of Onions! WHEW!!!

Who says I can't be taught?!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you
can feel the true warmth .

It made me smile. Love and Light!

Friday, November 03, 2006


"For every joy there is a price to be paid." Ancient Egyptian Proverb

Todays price for the joy is the phone call from work asking me to come in early this afternoon and take care of some monkey business. I said yes (it's amazing how cooperative I can be when I just finish paying bills and have a fresh balance of nothing in my accounts).

Thursday, November 02, 2006

One Year

I'm a bit behind on posting, but with good reason. Chaos. Complete Chaos. The universe has seen fit to smack me on my wittle ole head and blatantly remind me that I'm a mere mortal. Uhm, OK...

Costume Imp reached a milestone towards the end of October. The one year anniversary of blogging. Cheers to me! It's been a fun experiment to be writing again. Now I've never claimed to be a writer, and in fact, I really disliked writing when I was younger; book reports, essays, and speeches that had to be written usually got me worked up into a frantic state. I would find anything else to do in order to not sit down and write. It is my lack of grammatical knowledge and structure that frightens me. (I really didn't pay much attention in grade school to proper sentence structure). The easiest (and only) way for me to write is by jotting down what is going through my head. That remains true to this day. And it should be more apparent than ever to everyone, that I don't 'think' in complete sentences; I don't even think in the same 'tense' from one sentence to the next, not to mention that my spelling has always been atrocious. I no longer feel the need to apologize for this though. I'm no copy editor. I'm a designer and a supervisor. I communicate better through other mediums/media.

I'm sleeping again (blissfully). This morning I actually slept in. My whole perception of the world is different when I get enough sleep. Of course there is a funny story in here somewhere. I changed all the clocks in the house to accomadate daylight savings time; every clock in the house except the alarm clock. So when I rolled over this afternoon and read 1:00 on the clock, I told myself to get out of bed. Which I did and shortly thereafter realized it was merely noon. And no, I still have yet to roll back the bedroom clock. LOL

I was training a new person at work yesterday which is always a bit of a trial, involving talking and demonstrating what is happening instead of merely Doing it. It all went well, and the trainee was bright and motivated. The only bad thing was he had a really really bad case of Body Odor. Now then, I work day in and day out with sweaty people, I sort that laundry everyday, and I smoke. So if I'm telling you this guy had BO, he had BO. I attempted to stay upwind as much as possible... Now that it's over, it is rather amusing to me.

We are having unbelievable weather for November and so I'm going to get off this computer and get outside and enjoy a little of it before I head back to the salt mines this evening.

Love and Light to you all!