Sunday, January 25, 2009


miami rocked. she rocked, and the crew rocked, the crowd rocked.

up to tampa....

i'm now in the midst of a blissful 4 day break, and i've traveled south to sarasota to see my opera friends and companions. it's warm.

dinner parties

italian wines



prime rib

ice cream

good friends!!

heading north to do the show on wednesday in tampa. i needed this break.

one more month to go

love and light!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


staying in raleigh another day. they postponed the show mid-day (during load-in) due to the snow... state of emergency and all that

there goes my day off in Miami

but it's a good thing, because the crew is so worthless, we wouldn't have been ready for the show... seriously

i hate them all

that is all

Monday, January 19, 2009

North to Raleigh

Hello kids. I have just arrived in Raleigh, NC, and it’s cold, rainy, and did I mention cold? I am very concerned about all you Yankees up north, because if it’s this cold down here, I know it’s cold up there. Yes, I do check the weather on occasion (I adore my iPhone, keeping me connected and informed).

Well I’m sitting in yet another Marriott, one of the favorites of this tour. I am not impressed with this one though, although we are directly across the superhighway from a mall. Too bad we arrived at 5:55 and the mall closes at 6pm. Also, my room was oddly vacant of any hotel information, mainly a room service menu. All good, I had to run back down to the bus for a bag anyhow, so I picked one up on the way back to my room. That being said, I feel as though I’m in the middle of nowhere. I’m not, but the parking lot is at the back of the hotel, surrounded by huge trees, and after being in the middle of Atlanta, it just feels like the middle of nowhere.

I’m looking forward to my day travels tomorrow with a dear friend whom I haven’t seen since high school. I think it’s been about 18 years now. WOW. I’m feeling a little better each day, and am not going to miss this opportunity to catch up with her. It’s been so long. I ran away from home when I left for college. Most of my friends at ‘home’ were older than I, and I really only called about 3 people that I went to school with friends. All my Friends were people that I did theatre with. There was a very traumatic event my senior year of high school, that shook up (and down) my group of friends. It was a very sensational and devastating moment for my hometown, as it involved the vicious and brutal murder of a friend of mine, by another friend of mine, who were in fact also good friends. Let’s talk about total betrayal. To this day, we still don’t really know why it happened. The guilty isn’t talking, and of course, my other friend was the victim. So when I say that I ran away from home when I went to school, that’s not really an exaggeration. This event ruined friendships and relationships, and I went off to college not knowing if I was going to have to come back home and testify in court. (my current girlfriend and I were less than 25 yards away from the murder site just moments before it happened. We placed our ‘friends’ cars at the scene, even though we didn’t realize what had happened or was happening until the next day. Anyhow, that’s the past, but because of the trauma involved, I fell out of touch with most of those people over the following years. It was too painful to relieve those horrid months, and we weren’t capable of talking to each other without constantly wondering why it all happened. (Now you know why I have an aversion to gory movies and csi, I’ve seen the 68 court photo’s of the scene, and of the body, and still to this day, 18 years later, they can instantly become vivid in my mind. The pain has eased over the years, but it is still present. Although I no longer wonder why, as I accepted long ago that we were never going to know.
Oddly enough we are approaching the anniversary of that day, as it happened in late January, 1990.
Hmmm, got off on a tangent, but anyhow… I’m meeting one of my friends, and am looking forward to the day together. At one point in time, we took a trip to Toronto together to see the opening of Phantom there! I still remember that road trip with fond memories and she’s now a music and drama teacher. It will be great fun to get back together with my theatre friends and catch up with everything that we have been doing in the past 18 years… my, have we grown so old?

Hmmmm Atlanta. Well, we had a pretty decent crew, even if the prep did take all day. I saw my second DR in two days, to follow up on this ear infection. I’m making improvement, but the last dr also hooked me up with some steroids, to help reduce the inflammation and to jump start the healing process. My murse is exploding, antibiotics, steroids, my vicks, my vitamins, my other pills, and my shower tablets… by the way, let’s take a break to talk about these shower tablets… they are awesome people!! You just throw it on the shower floor and turn on the water. It’s like tub alka-selser, it bubbles and releases your choice of scent and menthol. Works with the steam to open your breathing passages. Many hours were spent in my bathroom steam room, reading my damp book, with the shower running and my tablets. Although I confess I think I am now expelling lavender and sage when I sweat…. Hehehe

That’s all I have time for tonight kids. I’ll try and catch you up again when I hit Miami!

Love and Light!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Currently listing to one side in Atlanta

We are sick. Not just the royal We either. So many of us on this tour are falling ill that the promoter has scheduled a DR to come to the venue tomorrow. Sinus infections, bronchial, inner ear. We are a mess.


So I’m currently listing to one side, as I am experiencing my first ear infection in years. Nothing like being transported back to childhood. I knew something was awry a few days ago; I was getting cranky and just didn’t feel right. (yes, I know, I haven’t been right in years) but this was above and beyond.

The news that made me giddy is the fact that I was diagnosed by HerSelf’s ear/nose/throat specialist. So not only do I share a hairstylist but also a DR. what a trip it’s been… we’ve now shared a stethoscope, and examination tools. I’m very VERY grateful to Dr. G., and very lucky he was around and gracious enough to take the time to look at me. I took a 2 mile walk R/T to Walgreens this morning to get my latest z-pac. Hopefully I start to feel better soon!

OK, I left you in Houston, so it’s time for Nashville and Birmingham. Ugh. I was sick, and honestly not having much of it. The crews in the south are not union, and I’m tired of training people. It is too much to ask for to have experienced crews in the south. Some have been good, but let me share my favorite quote from the Houston crew, “we are all professionals, on the side”

Nuff said…

So now I’m chillin my heels in Atlanta, where the temperature is a whopping 17 degrees. I feel for you peeps up north…

That’s all I got for you today. I’m going back to bed, and curling up with a book (or two) and my antibiotics and orange juice.

I personally think it’s a little too soon, but the countdown has commenced. 18 shows and 4 border crossings to go. Can I tell you how much I’m looking forward to my >24 hours in san juan with no sleep?

No, I’m not complaining nor whining. Just stating the fact.

Thank Isis for my coworkers who have had my back the last couple of days. This would be hell without them….

Love and Light

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Really? I mean REALLY?!

(it's a recurring thought this year, so i had to share). Be warned, you will probably hear it again...

Someone pointed out yesterday (or the day before) that we have only been out on tour for a week... Really?! It feels like longer for some reason.

We survived our first back-t0-back shows on this final leg. Houston Friday, NOLA Saturday. I guess i should mention first off that we survived the bus trip, even if all 10 of us didn't get much, if any, sleep. We are having some Issues with our bus drivers driving and general attitude. i feel for the guy (to a degree) because i know he doesn't really 'get' our group of people and i'm pretty sure he's not having a real good time. Neither are we though; there is a reason why i don't sleep well on the bus. He's rolled me out of the bunk a few times in the last 5 months and the trip from TX to LA was rough and contained a lot of swervyness. A phone call was made to the bus company from the production manager if this tells you anything. i guess 10 angry, sleep deprived techs and management people aren't people you should irriate. hehehe

Houston: the best crew we had in all of texas. finally a break.

NOLA: was i in town for 27 hours, completely sober, and saw nothing but the interstate and inside of an arena? yes... sigh. the first trip to NO ever without a trip to the garden district and jackson square (for Cafe du Monde) I will just HAVE to come back. (I do have a love affair with that city)

i don't remember much about the show, the crowd rocked; and i wasn't having ANY of it. i was already tired when we arrived, and after a certain dancer tweaked my nose (by bold face lying to me) i was pretty much over it all. Oh, i behaved myself, although i call him out for lying to me in front of everyone around me) and for the sake of all others, i'm very glad that i am not dealing with anyone's black socks but my own.

I finally got the latest Yasmine Galenorn novel and i've been really enjoying running around the D'Angelio sisters, and smokey, and Roz... if i could only stay awake long enough to read more than 2 chapters... hehhee

We are less than a month away from Canada (which is a milestone). It's when i get to offically see the light at the end of the tunnel (not that the last week of airports is going to be easy, but it will be the Last Week) and then i get to see my Omaha peeps and relax for a few days before my sanctioned Holiday!!!

I'm chillin in Nashville today and tomorrow. it was snowing when we arrived this morning.

my big plans? room service and a novel.

i'm also going to hook up the computer to the large screen tv in my room, and finally watch the last (ever) episode of Stargate Atlantis (RIP). I'm nervous about watching it, as it's the last one, but i'm excited about being able to watch it on a great tv, even if i'm not home. i love iTunes.

love and light to you all!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009



IT'S COLD BOO'S!!!! Seriously, we brought that nor'easter south with us! Dallas went from 80 degrees to 34 degrees the day before we arrived....

foreshadowing, it was...

of my cold heart

when it comes to dealing with ineptitude.

seriously people. i had one chick who was sick enough that she was hacking her brains out every 2 minutes... so much so that we Required her to wear mask during the show. oh her mom was also on the crew (and was actually the one decent (used the term lightly) crew person). i don't care that you are ill and that you got it from one of the last touring shows... why you gotta give it to me, and my crew to spread around.

please note, I'M STILL RECOVERING and don't need something new. i have VERY little patience for that. i realize people need work, but if you can't draw a steady breath, don't stand near me please.

yes, we had a whack ass crew, and we basically ended up doing a lot of the crew prep ourselves so that we would actually get it done. those of you who have worked my show already, would shudder when i state it took the two of them 8 hours to steam 4 racks of clothes, and no, i'm not kidding. even with careful prodding.

next time: TAZER

i even caught one of them pawing through our roadboxes "like it was her own closet".... needless to say, that sent my boss completely over the edge.

so yes, dallas was cold, rainy, and incompetent. i was constantly thinking of one of my favorite susan surandon lines from that great movie.... "God, i Hate texas..."

i'm not surprized of course, i was down here 10 years and i remember...

now i'm sitting in san antonio, and it's 10 degrees warmer (so a whopping 43) although it is forecast to be 64 and i'm praying to Ra to bring on the sun to burn through this haze. my lungs need heat, my skin needs the baking rays. if i have to suffer through texas, i want a little heat... and not the kind that comes from racing around trying to mount a show with a roomful of idiots.

well, we have the day off, and i've got some fun errands i want to attend to today. i require new tennis shoes. i realized yesterday that i have worn the current pair out during the last leg. if i'm on my feet all day (and i am) then i need a bouncy pair of shoes. plus, today is national release day for Yasmine Galenorn's latest book, and i simply must have it! it's not quite noon and the sun is actually beginning to shine, so hopefully we will see a temperature increase and i can wander this city in a bit more comfort.

that being said, i got a decent couple of hours of sleep once we arrived at 6am this morning. even with pills i am having problems sleeping on the bus. perhaps it IS time to start drinking, and damn the consequences.

i'll rally eventually. it's only 7 weeks left... i am not thrilled about our locations much for the next couple of weeks... although i do have plans to see a dear old friend of mine from high school while i am in NC, whom i haven't seen since high school!!! so that will be most fun catching up and seeing her new place and catching up on what we have been doing in the last (mutters) few years!!!!

people continue to inform me that they are losing their jobs.... again, i state how blessed i am....

the wheels on the bus go round and round...

love and light

Back in the Saddle

Hello everyone. Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I’m back on the road with HerSelf. Sorry that I didn’t get to see many of you on my precious holiday break. Santa brought me bronchitis for Christmas, and I was one sick puppy. I do mean seriously ill; I spent 4 days in bed.

I’m pleased to announce that I’m getting back to regular self. It’s been a difficult transition; I no sooner got home than it was time to leave again. It’s all good though.

I have to say, that while I wasn’t in the least bit interested in going to Kansas City, MO, we put on one hell of show. I mean that literally too. The show itself was flawless, and HerSelf is BACK and in GREAT voice. I mean seriously, GREAT VOICE!!! The break did her a world of good and she put on a fantastic show for KC. You will note (again) that I am a coinsure of voices, and I’ve followed her for a long time. she was in great voice and she was really pulling out the stunts for them last night. It’s fantastic to see my Diva strutting her stuff and showing the world just WHY she is the greatest… (eat that Barbara Streisand) . we were all very busy during the day though; there were a few issues during line-check which resulted in a blown amps and needing to replace instruments, but it was all taken care of the show went very well.

I am extremely blessed. Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful.

This next week should prove to be interesting. I’m in Texas of all places. Please don’t be offended, I just don’t really appreciate Texas. Just about everyone I’ve ever met from Texas I have adored, just so long as I didn’t meet them IN Texas. Perhaps this next week will change my prospective. I’ll keep an open mind.

I’m in a bit of mourning. Two of my favorite co-workers have not returned for this final leg of the tour. One I knew about, and wish him all the best in Europe with Tina Turner. The other, I wish all the best, and am slightly worried about. It isn’t many people that really impress me, and I genuinely like this guy, who was replaced at the last minute. Of course, I can’t go into details, but I’m going to miss him a lot. He was a great travel partner and WE got along just fine.

I’m still trying to adjust to life back on the bus. I just don’t sleep well when I’m moving. I’m trying this new medication from my dr, which is a lunesta derivative but only lasts 4 hours instead of 8. (Because you need to realize I rarely have time for 8 hours of sleep on this tour bus; at the hotel yes, but the bus, no). it worked for 2 hours last night. Knocked me right out, but after 2 hours (and my &$(%^ bus driver rolling me out of the bunk AGAIN) I was tossing and turning the rest of the way to Dallas. I am seriously going to consider starting to drink again, and to hell with the whole motion sickness… lol

It’s growing rather late here, and I have an early call tomorrow, so I’m going to wrap this up for now. Happy new year to you!!

Oh, I need to put this out there to all you wealthy and adventurous people. I’m accepting applications for travel companions to Europe this summer. Think july/august. I have already spoken to a few of you, I know… I realize we are in a recession and nobody wants to spend money, but if you are interested, send me an email. It’s going to be a very good time. I’m going reguardless and since most of you reading this are dear friends of mine, I want you to feel included. Shout out if you are interested. At the moment, I am definitely traipsing through Italia, and am considering a few side trips; Holland, Prague, are on the short list…

Love and Light, and again , a very happy new year!