Thursday, January 26, 2006

Truth in Poetry

I was cleaning out the email files this afternoon when I came upon an old email from David. I had been relating a shopping trip to the Virgin Megastore and my stumbling into the middle of the Rent soundtrack release party. Ever a clever one with words, David submitted a response that needs to be shared. It is relevant not just to the shopping trip, but to life in general. Check out his site, linked to the left.

like a moth to the flame.
like a mouse to the glue trap.
you cannot stay away.
death by broadway.

Thanks for making me smile all over again David.

Love and Light

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Number 30

So this is it!! My 30th blog posting. Does this mean that Costume Imp has reached middle age?!
Now... if I only had something to say!!

NYC is back to brisk weather now but Mother Nature was working very hard to lull us into a false sense of security. We had two whole days last week in the 60's. It was marvelous, especially when you remember it's the middle of January. I actually got out and got some things done and enjoyed the weather at the same time.

It was a relatively good week at work. Two original chorus people returned to their roles in the show this week; a star returned to his role for a limited engagement while da Wiz is on vacation. The show is still adjusting and settling itself since our big Principal change-over last week. I must mention how delighted I am. So far all of the changes have gone very smoothly and the backstage dynamic has really improved. The chorus has become more cohesive and dynamic. Those poor kids should be tired, they have been in daily rehearsals for over two weeks now, basically doing the equivalent of 10 or 11 shows in 6 days. All in all the show has taken on it's next incarnation and I like it. Postive Changes!!

I've watched the entire first season of Stargate Atlantis on dvd. It was great to kick back and enjoy my new electronics and watch all the episodes back to back. I also approve of the changes they have made in the second season, both in adding both character and additional plot development. I can't wait to see more, and highly recommend this series.

Dinner has arrived, and I'm famished so that's all for the big 3 - 0. All is good in Oz.

Love and Light

Friday, January 13, 2006

UPS Delivered

I am in awe. It will never happen like this again. The buzzer rang just before 2pm. It was UPS. I was so amazed that I went down to hold the doors for him. I don't know what I was thinking, as I was so stunned that they actually arrived today, and then I was madly trying to decide which tact to try to get the UPS man naked. I am not kidding you girls. This olive skinned, black haired, blue eyed, tall drink of water had "Artiessimo" written all over him. Not only did I get furniture, but I got eye candy in the process.

"Yes, Impress me with your lanky frame, heft that box up. NO, I'll gladly walk behind you. Drop that box on me beotch! How much trouble would I get in if I pulled his pants down while he's climbing the stairs, DAMN, he's wearing a good belt. Yeah, I know it smells like Jamacia in the hall, got to love my neighbors, it IS Friday. Now laugh, but don't get all Nelly either. WHY didn't I shower and shave this morning?! Here let me help you with that... Ask if he wants a cup of coffee, or your phone number!! Careful of the cats... Say SOMETHING. Oh, you're a cat person!! Oh goddess above, tell that man to rip my clothes off NOW!! Thanks a lot, come back and play with the cats sometime, you have the address!! Yah, and you can pet me at the same time. OH NO, don't you dare look me dead in the eye and wink at me. You have a great day too. Close the door, close the door. Oh lord, I'm experiencing sexual urges again, SHIT I forgot to take my medicine this morning!!"

LOL Thank You UPS. You surpassed all expectations today, even if you did leave me unfullfilled. I don't really care that the base of the tv stand has a chip off the corner. I put it together anyway, after a very long cold shower. Maybe I should order some more things....
They Always show up when you are wearing your dust cap, don't they?! GRRRR

All of this after a productive day. I did the tax sorting/filing/purging and cleaned the house.

Time to get ready for work, and continue with this very special Friday the 13th.

Love and Light

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Spend It Like You Have It

Give me an afternoon off and a decent nights sleep. Now clear the sidewalks and the aisles. Now picture me in the Virgin Megastore (without a release party this time), chomping at the bit.
Of course I only stopped in to see if I could get the Savage Garden Best O CD. I did in fact get the last copy in the store. Thank YOU. I also wandered out with a bunch of other things as well. All things I've been wanting for a while. Like the first season of Stargate: Atlantis on DVD. I'm set on music and TV viewing for a, urghm, WHILE. hehehe I'm viewing it as taking advantage of the delightful warm weather we are having, laying in supplies for the next snowstorm/impending blizzard. It's coming at some point!

I'm trapped at home tomorrow afternoon waiting for UPS to deliver goods. Let's keep our fingers crossed that they actually ring the bell and DELIVER. UPS is a Pain In The @ss here in NYC. And it wasn't anything I could have delivered to the theatre. If they do make it, I'll be putting together the new TV stand on Monday, right before the BIG box get's delivered.

LOL Hang on, I'm having a great NEW YORK Moment. The curtains are drawn back for some sunshine. Gazing out the window I now see a HERD of dragqueens in subtle daywear. But drag queens, none-the-less. I can spot a bad wig from 3 blocks (with my glasses on). I believe they were lunching at eatery across the street. They are now stopping traffic on the Ave. Have you ever seen a group of drag queens hailing cabs. I'm not kidding, there are like 20 of them.
Only in New York...

Well, it appears today is going to amuse me. Excellent!!!

I need to buckle down and get the resume overhauled. Time for a new one. You would think at this point I could just cut and paste what I need. But I think it's time for a whole new look. I have enough broadway credits now for a different format. And I have to get my design resume functioning and presentable again.

I'm also awaiting a box from Omaha. I'm starting to put together a design website. Of course, most of my design pictures are still in Nebraska. This is a long term goal, but I have started designing the site. I hope to get it up and running during the winter months where I don't feel like leaving the house.

Happy Opening to my friend SCOTT, who is opening one of his shows this evening, starring Nick, a guy from my hometown.

Best Wishes to D. I hope you feel much better soon doll!! Was great seeing you at the show yesterday.

Love and Light.

Monday, January 09, 2006


1. To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.
2. To be in an inactive or dormant state or period.

It's what I've been doing as much as possible last week. Hibernating, resting, recovering. I would like to say that I've been remotivating, but that simply hasn't been the case. I know I need to (get remotivated) and get my act together. Changes in 2006 aren't simply going to happen, I'm going to have to make the effort and put it out there.

Today may be the start of the motivational process. Actually the process started in December, but I haven't followed up. I've been mulling over ideas, thoughts, and options. I still haven't come up with a final solution (You know me, I have NO patience), but it's time to get some balls in the air and see which ones fly and which ones don't. I need to reconnect with the creative process. Simply rolling racks of costumes on Broadway isn't going to be enough this year. Part of me is very afraid, as I've become dependent on the Broadway paycheck. Unfortunately, it's not delivering enough satisfaction in the creative drive department.

I stepped back from designing over the last couple of years. Perhaps it's time to reconnect and get that aspect of my life back in motion. As I just mentioned, I'm not sure this is the path, but it's one that I CAN travel and therefore must remove the roadblock I set in place last year when I stopped taking design work.

It is a wonderful day here in NYC. The last cold snap has passed, it's 56 degrees right now. A perfect day (off) to get out of the house and take care of a few errands I've been putting off (while hiding under the covers with the girls). I've been out and about already and taken care of most of the union paperwork for 2006. Dues paid, old 2005 paperwork completed and submitted. If I continue being motivated I'll head downtown to the dr's and pharmacy and get the new insurance info delivered to them before I actually have to USE it.

I'm being cautious however, as I'm also in the mood to spend some money. LOL Money that I shouldn't be spending. I'm pleased that I've gotten myself in a much better financial situation in the last year, but I'm not quite out of the hole yet. That new TV is calling me to, and the gift cards are burning hole in my pocket. I'm going to wait however as I have some traveling to do this year in addition to work, and my TV will be the reward for finally paying off the credit debt. Everyday is one step closer to that goal.

I'm feeling fine folks. I haven't been online much due to the hibernation. The cold just does that to me. Yes I've been out of contact but I've been contemplating life and assessing goals and attempting to come up with new ones. Not an easy task but I'm enjoying the process so far. It's hard to realize I've worked this hard and so long to be where I am today, and yet not be satisfied. "What are you going to do to change it?!" has been the foremost question so far this month. Have faith and apply yourself to making positiveve changes...

Happy New Year to you All, and congrats to the peeps over at Phantom. Tonights performance there will make them the longest running show in Broadway History.

Love and Light.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Show Sets Broadway Record

OK Folks. Please remember that the last two weeks of the year are usually the very best weeks for the Broadway box office. I have yet to confirm this 'officially.' Rumor has it that the show hit not only a personal best last week at the box office, but an all time box office record.

This is why I'm not really worried about a job. It's also the reason we work like mad during the holidays...

Total attendance at our show last week was 14, 4772, for a box office gross of $1,610,943.
LOL 1.6 Million. (our usual weekly take is 1.3). Guess I'll have a job for a while, huh?!

Love and Light

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!! 2006 at least. May it be filled with health, prosperity, and love!!

It was a long road last week. I came down with some stomach virus which took me several days to recover from. One a good note, I got plenty of time at home, resting. Exactly what I wanted.
unfortunately now, I have to get caught up on a few life things (like paying the bills!)

I haven't posted in a while and now you know why. I'm still alive and kicking.

Love and Light!