It was a startling beginning of the day for this Imp. First of all, I bolted up from a dead sleep because someONE was standing in my bedroom. Nothing to Panic about, it was only my roommate and she was rearranging kittahs, I think... I just laid back down and actually went right back to sleep, after a quick glance at the clock: 7:15
The next thing I know, multiple chainsaws are running full throttle, and my hand is slapping the alarmclock in a futile effort to STOP the noise. Unfortunately, the alarm clock doesn't stop the noise of the chainsaws, and my bedroom is beginning to fill with exhaust. It's now 7:32am...
I suddenly found myself propelled out of bed, and rummaging through the bedroom closet, although I can't find what I'm looking for... So I go right to my other closet, and still can't find what I'm looking for... At that moment, my brain engaged, and I realized that I was looking for the shotgun... Yes, really. I was looking for my shotgun. You can take the boy off the farm, but you can't take the farm outta da boy, I guess.
I'm more than a little irate at my neighbors now; a little advance warning would have been nice. They are taking the tree down in their backyard, which is a mere 10 feet away from my bedroom window. I stopped myself from marching next door and knocking on the door until AFTER I had a cup of coffee. Just cause I realized that I was looking for my shotgun, don't think I was not over my murderous instincts. There was almost blue mohawked harry-carry in Woodside this morning...
So now I have dueling chainsaws in back and the chipper/shredder running outfront. Devone, you are lucky you aren't around here this morning. Repetitive noise!!!!
The really funny thing is, on the way up my stairs last night I had this thought, "If I get up early tomorrow, I Could/SHOULD go and do my laundry in the morning." Unfortunately I may have brought this early morning rude awakening on myself... Alas, netflixs delivered ENCHANTED and so I didn't pack up the laundry but went right for the dvd player. So now there isn't tme to for me to get it done before I head into the city for 2 more dress rehearsals today, one of them is the evening invited dress rehearsal for The Concert Gala Opening.
I'm really enjoying the new job. I wanted to do something different, and I sure got what I asked for. Just in case you don't realize (and you probably don't, yet): There are 54 ballets in the spring repertoire. I've had 4 dress rehearsals since I started on Monday, and I have two more today. The spring season kicks off on the 29th, and then I start repping 54 ballets in less than 9 weeks. I am definitely no longer doing the Same thing every day!!!
I'm arriving home early too, no more 3 hour musicals... even on dress rehearsal nights I've been home before 11pm. Which is loverly!!! The kittahs are thrilled that daddy has been spending more time around the house; they really do enjoy my company, and being at their beck and paw.
This week I reconnected with an old friend of mine, whom I had lost contact with after he moved to Boston several years ago. He is back in the city and we got reacquainted this week. It was nice catching up on what has been happening in our lives in the last 3 years. He's quit showbusiness and is now doing computer work and finally relocated back to the city. He's very happy and even happier to be out of showbusiness (although I did make him sing me a song... he's blessed with a beautiful high tenor). There were definite sparks between us in the past, and some of that is still there; although I am older and wiser now and don't think anything serious would be healthy...
It sure is nice to have a little bit of time to spend with the 9-5 crowd... Working in showbusiness means you are working when most people are playing... As a result, I rarely get to see my 9-5ers. That changed a bit this week, and I'm thrilled. Of course, I'm going to be back doing shows next week, but at least I know on June 29th, I'm going to have my whole schedule free again (at least at this point).
I had a very unfortunate trip to the dentist this week and some results that make me cranky. The short version is: I have 2 wisdom teeth that need to be removed and my dentist can't do it. The one of them is going to have to be cut out (i.e. general anesthesia and all). The bottom tooth is wrapped around the jaw and growing at a right angle, so the dentist can't just pull it. So I have to call and make the appt. with the surgeon, and I'm going to have all 4 of them taken out, cause I'm not going through this again... But I'm not real thrilled (as you will imagine). My health insurance doesn't cover dental, so this will be completely out of pocket... As I said to my dentist, "Dammit; there goes at least one trip to Europe!" To which he replied, "Yah, Pretty much!"
Oh well, what can you do?! It can't wait until December when I could buy the dental insurance and still pay 70% out of pocket, so I guess sometime in the next month, I'm going to be swollen and choking down vicoden... I am going to have to call upon someone to go to the surgery with me and get me back home.... Anyone want to step up?!
I'm off. Time to finish the winter/summer wardrobe changeover, and then I have to get ready to head into work!!!
Happy Saturday to you all!!!
Love and Light!
I'm glad the job's so great.
Trust me, you'll be glad you had general anesthesia for the wisdom teeth. I was down for the count for a week, on percodan and looking like the Blueberry girl from Willy Wonka.
I don't think they're allowed to start the noise until at least 8. I would report them to 311.
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