Friday, March 21, 2008


I don't know about the rest of you'ings, but I'm happy it's spring!!!

Did any of you see the full moon last night?! It refused to be ignored here last night, even the scattered clouds couldn't weaken its light last night!

I barely made it home before midnight, but I had a quick meditation and then headed outside with a few of my crystals; time for an intense purification and recharge.

May this new spring season bring many blessings upon all of you, my friends.

The turning of the pages continues in my life. I'm not where I want to be (I don't know where I want to be, but I'm not there); although, I am taking intelligent steps to get there.

With everything else that has been happening: I'm trying very hard to finish out my broadway without losing my sh!t. It's hard when I mentally left the show months ago, only to be recalled by everything that's happening. I have to be present mentally for the show these days; mainly because others are NOT. (Regardless of this being their own fault, or not). I am not pointing fingers.... I'm just angry that I am not capable of keeping my head down and letting it fall to shit around me due to others lack of concern/involvement/sobriety.

"Effie, we All got Pain."

The brand new chapter will be beginning soon. I was in hopes that I would be able to close the show without having to put new people in; such is not the case. And every day it become more and more apparent that I waited too long. There is a mass exodus beginning from the show. Many people are switching positions or flat out leaving. More are to follow.

What does that say to the producers? It SHOULD be a social comment on the way things are managed, from the very top - down. Unfortunately, all they see is the btm line (which has always been treating them DAMN well on this show), and the opportunity to cut salaries and hire in all new newbies, who are willing to work for minimum. Well, they do call it show BUSINESS for a reason, don't they?

You get what you pay for...

Evidently, I'm not done bitching about it yet. But I will be pleased to get away from the green machine and watch it evolve withOUT me. Many happy returns.

Summer plans are up in the air. Due to a conflict of interest, Italia has been placed on hold (again... I'm beginning to think it's not going to happen; but I trust the universe and hear it Loud and Clear that This is Not The Time).

For those of you who haven't already heard: I'm designing a production of Pirates of Penzance for Bradley University in the Fall. I've already started the process. So I have fall work lined up, which will be excited and fun, and stepping back into the freelance world once again. I have a nice long break from the ballet after June 29th.

Some of you in the more exotic locales just might be seeing me this summer. Instead of one big trip, I just might have to do a mini tour of my own... be afraid, be very afriad!!! HAHAHA

Must go and change the laundry over. now. Yes, I've been reduced to doing my own laundry. GASP!!!

Love and Light!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Transitions always suck, don't they, even when the end result is good!

You're doing the right thing.

March 21, 2008 4:16 PM  

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