Sunday, April 20, 2008

Good Times

Yes, Yes, YES!!! It has been a long time since I touched based with you internet peeps... So much has been happening around here, and yet I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and type about it. Trust me when I say that you really didn't want to read much of what was on my mind lately...

A NEW DAY HAS COME!!! (Thanks Celine).

Today is my last day of unemployment. I head back to work tomorrow after a blissful week OFF!!! I am finally free of the green machine, and that alone is mindblowing and exciting. I've managed to get a lot of things accomplished this week. Catching up with friends, getting the house organized, resting, cooking, and just generally doing what I want to do!!

I've spend an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen (you will recall that I have a real kitchen). I made corned beef, several quiches, ice cream, and just last night: peach/champagne sorbet. Thus kicking my domestic goddess points up several notches...

I've also spent quite a bit of time wearing out my Stargate Atlantis dvd's this week, having them on in the background while I'm puttering around the house... BLISSFUL I tell you!!!

I'm actually excited to get back to work. Heading back to the NYCB Monday to get prepped and ready for the gala opening on the 29th. I've had a few business calls from them this week, and a few social ones... they are very busy there, but were nice enough to allow me this week to myself to recharge and get MY life together prior to my starting working again.

I have not had ONE moment of "Oh Lord, I quit my good paying job" stress!!! I am actually quite happy being free, and everything is pointing to this being the right and proper decision. I actually feel like I have the reins of my life in hand again. I KNOW it was the right decision and many things have happened in the last few months that totally validate that...

Of course, I'm going to miss my green peeps, but I'm only a phone call away (so remember that monkeys). Just call me!!!

Off to finish up a few house things and then chill for a bit. I'm heading into the city tonight to catch many of my friends doing a musical review tonight at the Beechmen on 42nd.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's back to work I go.....

Love and Light to you all!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to hear you sounding so happy!

April 22, 2008 10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS You MUST get David Hewlett's film (wrote/produced/directed) A DOG'S BREAKFAST -- it is hilarious, and you will recognize many of your favorites.

April 22, 2008 10:12 AM  

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