Sunday, October 22, 2006


It was a long at the theatre on Saturday, but not long or tiring enough to cure the insomnia. So I found myself still on the couch at 3:30 am, finally thinking I could actually sleep. I excused myself to the bedroom and was just drifting through a couple of light meditations when CRASH!!! I'm jerked out of my reverie by the sounds of shattering glass. CRASH!!! I hear it again and realize it is coming my living room.

I bolt out of bed and throw open the door to the rest of the apartment, just in time to see Roo casually sitting on top of the refrigerator, working with grim determination on the coffee maker. Seems my little Darling no longer likes the way the cart has been arranged, and took it upon herself to attack from the air (no doubt stunning her prey with a surprise attack from above). Her prey was the ceramic jar containing the coffee, my Cafe Du Monde Mug. I arrived in time to save the coffeepot from her wrath.

So it's now 4am and there is glass and coffee grounds all over my house. And I've caught the assailant red pawed. And I'm all pissed off. To her credit, Roo froze perfectly when I opened the door, and glared at me in contempt. I very calmly locked eyes with her and Ordered her Down without moving or uttering a sound. After a few very long moments, she wisely took the order and jumped down (avoiding most of the mess) and climbed onto her kitty post, nose in the corner and back to me. I calmly cleaned up the mess and then walked over to her perch and very soothingly whispered to her, "You just earned yourself a retirement point to Animal Control sweetie, and you KNOW what they do to bad kitties there. I busted you out of death row, and I will put you back there. I want you to think about that tonight." And then I went back to bed to see what I could salvage of the 3 1/2 hours of sleep that remained to me before the alarm went off this morning at 8.

So my problem child has re-entered her destructive phase. I was hoping we had out-grown that. Evidently not, and I feel like an utter failure as a father.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Toasty Paws

The kittens were thrilled when Daddy took out the Air Conditioner a few weeks ago. It opened up the window they are (once again) allowed to sit in. They can now take naps while gazing at the outside world. The day the windowsill 're-opened' for them was a rough day. While both of them Could occupy the ledge at the same time, it became a matter of Not Sharing, and rather quickly. So Daddy had to put them on an hour rotation. The novelty has worn off now for Bast. She's like her Daddy and now that it's turned cold, she has no desire to sit in a drafty and chilly windowsill.

Little Roo on the other hand is in her prime. Always the adventurer, she's up and down the ledge constantly all day. I guess a better way to phrase it would be that she's now back to guarding and defending her full territory again. Ah, so much work she has to do now.

As I've already mentioned, it's been getting cold at night. The heat has come on in the building (and so far, the water has remained in the pipes and not come running through any of my walls or ceilings). Now all the conditions are right for something that regularly amuses me in the winter.

Roo likes to sit in the window, which has the steam radiator right below it. The heater is built into a little box under the window, so she actually has two ledges. One Cold, and One Warm. Not being able to decide which one she likes best, she tends to sit on the cold one and then proceeds to Pussy-foot the warm one. It's one of the funniest things she does (other than chase her shadow in the bathtub). I caught her pussy-footing this morning and refrained from laughing until after I snapped a few photo's.

Of course, it's much funnier live and in person. Roo trying to keep the bulk of her highness on the ledge and not tumble off head first while she pussy-foots. On the rare occasions where I actually lose all composure and really laugh at her, she merely stops what she is doing and glares at me with utter disdain. (I wonder where in the world she learned that look...). I ask myself, is this some form of Kitty Yoga?

That's the morning news. Off to a two show day at the labor camp. At least I will have the mental picture of Roo to carry me through the day...

Love and Light.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Blogger is just being irritating, posted an individual blog 4 times, I can't managed to delete the double posting as I can't keep a connection with their server, which only pisses me off. Get it together folks. I have spent more time putzing around with blogger this morning than I did with my notes and the market put together. BITE ME

You get what you pay for, don't ya?

Mild Insomnia Vs. Productivity

I've just stopped fighting it. Once I wake up in the morning, I just get up. No more laying in bed trying to fall back asleep, mainly because sleep will continue to be elusive. At least this week I've been spared the sidewalk scrubber. Perhaps he's on vacation?!

I think maybe my body is attempting to prepare me for Daylight Savings Time. Yesterday I didn't wear my sunglasses to work. I didn't need them. It was dark when I left for work. No wonder the urge to hibernate has been intensifying. On the plus side until the time changes later this month, the sun isn't rising until just after 7am. No longer am I rolling over at 5:30am and seeing daylight.

Since I was up so early I decided to put the Insomnia to work for me. I've gotten my track notes for the show updated (a feeble exercise in futility, as I will have to update them again in less than two weeks with the next cast). A necessary evil, and what they pay me for. Fortunately, I had done a major overhaul on them in August so there was less time spent in revamping them. Most of it was mere Name Changes. There was very little restructuring on this update.

I was up so early that I didn't have any new email so I got right to work on the notes, after I booted up the carpenters CD on the computer. It was a pleasant kind of morning. Rain was gently coming down outside, the traffic was relatively light and quiet this morning, and Karen was gently crooning in the background.

The girls were busy with breakfast and their early morning nap, and deemed it fitting to leave Daddy alone long enough for him to get some work done. (Little do they realize we are all going to have manicures later this morning.) Little Roo is now busy altering a cardboard box to her liking. So far she has removed one side of the lid, and is fervently attempting to shred the tape that is holding the bottom together.

I've a bit more paperwork to finish up and I had best make a trip to the market today. It's not raining at the moment; perhaps I should do that now. Unfortunately I haven't made my list yet, not even in my mind. I'm feeling a batch of my chili coming on. The crockpot has been sitting on the buffet for over a week. I also have been craving a pork tenderloin. And I need to stock back up on a few baking staples. I have banana's in the freezer for banana bread but I'm running seriously low on flour and sugar, and there isn't an egg in the house. Hmm, from the sounds of it, I guess I had best get out the rolling cart and take it with me. Unlike most of the US, I'm limited to what I can physically carry home. It's not like I can roll the cart to the car and drive the groceries home. Luckily the market is only 3 blocks from the house.

Yes, I must get the market trip done. After that I can enjoy a restful afternoon. Maybe I'll have better luck with my afternoon meditations today. The phone kept ringing during my meditations yesterday. No, I can't shut off the phone as I'm expecting calls from the dr and several other important people. Unfortunately, none of the phone calls yesterday were important (or even for me). Someone in this town is remodeling something and giving out my phone number (which I've had for 5 years now). I've been wielding calls from Home Depot, carpenters, and carpet layers for 4 days now. So it's not like some ONE person got a number wrong; the calls are coming from all directions.

Off to continue being productive, so I can get my much needed afternoon nap.

Love and Light.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Generally Speaking

The lease renewal was signed and funded yesterday. Yeah, I'm staying in this apartment for another year; I'm not moving to Woodside. The powers that be have a funny sense of humor, and that's about all I have to say on that topic. I'm annoyed but not angry. (Not once in the last 48 hours have I used my "Cartman" voice concerning the apartment).

Hard day at the 'office' yesterday for me. One of my co-workers gave her two week notice on Tuesday. She's moving on, and I wish her all the best in her new production endeavors. She's a gem and will be missed. In other work news, it was a LONG day yesterday. We are seriously short staffed in my department right now. Our one reliable swing got a full time gig on another show, and is no longer available for us. Our other swing is working TV now, and is also not really available for us. Which basically leaves us full-time people without anyone to cover our asses, which leaves us a feeling of "we have to come to work." I could digress and state that only having 2 people to cover the 5 of us is retarded to begin with. I could digress and recount the number of times I've been told "We don't have anyone to cover you; you have to come in." I could even begin the ranting and tearing of the hair because I take it as a personal affront, and I could also point out that it is not MY problem. I could give two shits about what happens in that building when I am not there. I could also point out that if certain people had stuck to their guns and maintained a firm stand at the onset of this project, just MAYBE we all wouldn't be overworked, frantic, irritated, exhausted, and perhaps we would have more than one person at a time who is willing to come in and do the mega corporate machine that is our show. The simple fact of the matter is this: We all work under the same contract. Meaning I get paid the same amount per show as just about everyone else on Broadway. Take that full circle and you begin to see that there are many easier shows to work on, and make the same amount of money. This is also the time of year where the only people in our union who aren't working are the ones no one wants to work with, so the pool of swings is not only small, but the dredges of people who wear tin foil hats and can't put down their cocktail long enough to get through a 3 hour musical.

I've let myself become complacent and as a result: shallow and bitter. There, I said it. Ok, I've always been a bit shallow, and as a certain friend like to remind me, "Being a crabby bitch is part of your charm." I've also become very disillusioned with this business in general. (and that, my friends is not only an understatement, but a whole novel in and of itself).

I actually had the epiphany this week. What in the hell have I allowed myself to become? What happened to the happy-go-lucky person I used to be. Yeah, it is as if I have lost myself. I've (over)worked myself my whole life to get here; and I no longer want any of it. Oh yah, I sure sign I need to move on. Will I find myself again? One of the most irritating things for me is the walk home at night. I dwell on the fact that I have no life outside of the theatre, and while that was ok in my younger days, it sticks in my craw some nights.

I'm a bright enough individual to know that the only person who can change these things is ME. I thought I was old enough to know myself as a person, but now I find myself not knowing who I am or what I want. Of course being ill doesn't help with said situation. I only become quicker to anger, less patient, and Extremely more bullheaded when I don't feel well. I also tend to internalize my anger. It's been an extreme exercise of will to not alienate everyone around me this week.

Yesterday was not without its highlights. I had great French food with D. yesterday between shows. I finally ordered something other than the veal. The Mushroom Ravioli was absolutely delicious, as was the strawberry crepe and conversation. D., you are a lifeboat in my turbulent seas.

I got home last night and decided to treat myself to a little prime rib. I just received a collection of treasures from Omaha Steaks. So I fired up the broiler, and simply prepared a single serving. Have Mercy was that delicious. I savored every delectable bite, and since I wasn't in public, I licked the plate when I was done too. It was that scrumptious.

I've got a full plate of things to do today. I have to get over to the credit union and straighten out a double posting ATM mistake (in my favor), I'm still on the hunt for the main decoration for a craft project D. and I are working on for an overseas friends familiar, and there is a union meeting this afternoon at 3 to ratify our next 4 year contract. My show notes have to be updated before next week. Then of course, I'm due at the Machine for the show this evening.

I must be feeling at bit better today. I'm well enough to rant, but if I get Half of this list accomplished today I'll be satisfied. Somewhere in there I'm going to need to take a nap. While we are still awaiting test results, they are pretty sure that I have mono. Rest, Relax, Reduce Stress, OHM.

Love and Light

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sci-Fi Profile

You scored as SG-1 (Stargate). You are versatile and diverse in your thinking. You have an open mind to that which seems highly unlikely and accept it with a bit of humor. Now if only aliens would stop trying to take over your body.

Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)


Serenity (Firefly)


SG-1 (Stargate)


Moya (Farscape)


Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)


Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)


Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)


FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files)


Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix)


Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)


Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda)


Enterprise D (Star Trek)


Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? (pics)
created with

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I can't help it

She really is the most beautiful little girl ever. Period.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Something to look forward to:

Being a great supporter/admirer of writers everywhere (especially writers with Cats to support/feed/shelter/entertain), I present for your attention, a soon to be released novel recommendation.

Shelter by Chaz Brenchley will be published by Bloody Brits and released for US purchase on December 1, 2006. You can preorder your paperback (so it won't even break your bank) now from here.

It's got a captivating cover as well, doesn't it?

Brenchley first captivated me earlier this year with Bridge of Dreams, his first in a series of fantasy novels that immediately grabbed my interest and added his name to my list of authors to keep on eye on. Bridge of Dreams rates within the top 5 novels I've read so far in 2006. (My own blog blub here.) So if you haven't read that one yet, do so!! While you are shopping with Amazon, you should also go ahead and pre-order River of the World, the follow up to BOD, which will be released next year.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

I'm not the least bit afraid of Friday the 13th, and you shouldn't be either. Over the years it's become something of a powerday for me. Nor do I cringe and throw salt over my shoulder when a black cat crosses my path. Black cats are my good luck charm, and always have been, and yes, several of them have been familiars.

In honor of Friday the 13th, I think it's only fitting to share with you my favorite calandar girl. Here is Bast, my lady of luxury:

Now to be fair to her sister, I introduce to you Little Roo (as she was when she arrived in our lives back in 2004):

And as she is now, my Mistress of Mayhem:

Can you say, "Trim Spa Baby?"

Enjoy the day and the rest of the weekend.

Love and Light!


We need to take a moment and say a fond farewell to the beautiful weather we have been having. The first major cold front of the season is upon us. Family members in Michigan told me it was snowing there today. Temperatures have been dropping rapidly this evening. It is time to at least unpack the heavy winter coats.

I've been wearing my leather jacket (which always makes me so happy) this week. I'm rather attached to my leather jacket, I always feel so James Dean when I'm wearing it. If you've ever seen me in it, you know what I'm talking about...

Work is going well; our new headliner is doing great in the show. It's a totally different interpretation, and it works.

I am continuing to feel better. I actually engaged tonight at work. This gains mention simply because I've been doing the show on muscle memory for some time now. I'm doing the put-in for the new chorus boy tomorrow afternoon; I had to pay attention to things I don't normally pay any attention to, such as exactly what hook does his coat hang on, and just who moves this set of clothes for him. You would think after 2 years I would know these things, but we have have constant changes with this show, both in crew and cast. Things change every time a new person comes into the show. It's a constantly evolving beast...

Managed to get a REALLY good housecleaning morning in today. I was even sorting/matching up tupperwear. I got to throw some (useless) stuff away. I also made another peach cobbler. Now that my tastebuds are operating again, I should be able to enjoy it more!

Love n Light


We need to take a moment and say a fond farewell to the beautiful weather we have been having. The first major cold front of the season is upon us. Family members in Michigan told me it was snowing there today. Temperatures have been dropping rapidly this evening. It is time to at least unpack the heavy winter coats.

I've been wearing my leather jacket (which always makes me so happy) this week. I'm rather attached to my leather jacket, I always feel so James Dean when I'm wearing it. If you've ever seen me in it, you know what I'm talking about...

Work is going well; our new headliner is doing great in the show. It's a totally different interpretation, and it works.

I am continuing to feel better. I actually engaged tonight at work. This gains mention simply because I've been doing the show on muscle memory for some time now. I'm doing the put-in for the new chorus boy tomorrow afternoon; I had to pay attention to things I don't normally pay any attention to, such as exactly what hook does his coat hang on, and just who moves this set of clothes for him. You would think after 2 years I would know these things, but we have have constant changes with this show, both in crew and cast. Things change every time a new person comes into the show. It's a constantly evolving beast...

Managed to get a REALLY good housecleaning morning in today. I was even sorting/matching up tupperwear. I got to throw some (useless) stuff away. I also made another peach cobbler. Now that my tastebuds are operating again, I should be able to enjoy it more!

Love n Light

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Theatre Hall of Fame

Costume Imp sends congratulations out to George Hearn for his impending induction into the Theatre Hall of Fame. It was a pleasure working with this legend, and send best wishes for continued success.

You can read about George and the other inductees here.

2006 Quill Awards

The 2006 Quill Book Awards winners were announced yesterday.

Congratulations to Diana Gabaldon who was awarded the Quill in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror genre for A Breath of Snow and Ashes. (I believe she was also nominated for Book of the Year). Congratulations again, and I wish you much continued success. Gabaldon has been a favorite author of this reader for many many years. Those of you who know me know that 'favorite author' translates to Costume Imp standing at the front door of the bookstore on release day, waiting for them to open. I've even been known to take a day off of work so that I can read uninterrupted.

Love and Light!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You might be dressing on Broadway if:

I posted this very early at the start of this blog, almost a year ago. I thought it was time to revisit it, and possibly share it with any new readers.

You Might Be Dressing On Broadway if:

  1. You consider personally doing your own laundry a complete waste of time.
  2. People in your union wear tinfoil hats to keep the aliens from reading their brain waves.
  3. You accept having one day off a week as the norm.
  4. You become frustrated when people don’t understand the difference between upstage and downstage.
  5. You understand the subtle nuances between dry cleaning fluid and vodka (Dry cleaning fluid comes in plastic bottles while vodka is only packaged in Glass).
  6. You have quads of death from running 5 flights of stairs multiple times a day.
  7. Your chiropractor sends you a Christmas card asking for tickets in exchange for services.
  8. Your union completely screws you on healthcare.
  9. You can spot an untied shoe, unzipped pants, or missing button up to 100 ft away.
  10. You can execute a quickchange in the dark and not drop a stitch on your current knitting project.
  11. You can do 3 things simultaneously and never engage anything more than muscle memory.
  12. You are on a first name basis with local deli owners, who make your coffee ‘your way’ when you walk in the door regardless of who is in line ahead of you.
  13. You attempt to limit your binges to Sunday evening.
  14. The container store excites you immensely.
  15. You not only know the definition and use of a bitelight, but you know 3 different locations to purchase them
  16. The only personal item in your work apron is a Percocet, ‘for emergency purposes.’
  17. You understand first hand the differences between “Cast,” “Crew,” and “Company.”
  18. You become violent when you see someone cutting paper with your brand new Ginghers.
  19. You know what a Rub-A-Dub is and what it’s used for.

And the biggest sign you might be dressing on Broadway:

20. You’ve seen so much tit and ass that you are no longer even remotely interested.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Hard Push to the Day Off

I was a hard Push to get to today, Monday. A good portion of the city is on a three day weekend. I'm not complaining, I had mine earlier in the week. Although I am looking forward to a day of rest and relaxation.

Todays goal is get out and about and find some new pillows. I realized as I was changing the bedding midweek that not only were my pillows flat, but also rather old, dirty, and germie. A trip to the market is also in order, so that I can continue being domestic and eating healthier. All small and relatively painless projects.

My upstairs neighbor has been enjoying her 3 day weekend. She been furniture shopping and assembling, and assembling, and assembling, and rearranging, and assembling. Finally at around 2:30 AM, I slipped my robe on, and padded upstairs and knocked on her door, which she answered with the hammer in her hand. (Smart girl, cause ain't nobody nice ringing your bell at 2:30AM). I nicely asked if she was about done hammering for the night. She apologized and I didn't hear another pound out of her... until 6:30 this morning. If I was a good man, I'd offer to help, but that's what her boyfriend is for... I'll just take it as a sign to get moving myself.

I made it through the rest of the week at the show, and I was feeling pretty good until yesterday. I'm still a little rough around the edges but I'm hoping that with some rest, it will all be fine.

Happy Columbus Day to you all.

Love and Light!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Back to Work

My recovery continues. I can swallow without pain again, the rash caused to amoxicillin is fading. I'm feeling more like my usual self.

The bank account is becoming more important than staying home. Tonight I return to the show.

Love and Light.


Wait for the mass market paperback.

Mercedes latest offering in the Jousters series is, well Lacking. The book is short and reads as an afterthought. While the story is new, the writing simply isn't up to par. I actually cared less for the characters I have grown to love. She gives us the barest of plotline and rushes through the story. Yes it moves, like a short distance sprinter lunging towards the finish line.

If this is what it comes too, I personally think she should have just left the series alone after book #3.

Aerie was a disappointment.

Official Announcement

The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.

Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Best Wishes

Best Wishes to all my peeps in Chicago, where THE PIRATE QUEEN begins performances today!!

Love and Light!!

Can't Win

There are times when you just can't win.

I wish I could tell you how much fun I had on my day off. I had a lot planned too, including free tickets to see a new broadway show Monday night, and dinner with Scott.

Alas, alack, I spent the early morning at the Dr's office and the rest of the day in bed. This weeks offering is Strep Throat. Work is annoyed because I can't seem to go more than 2 weeks without being sick. I am annoyed because I can't seem to bring home a full months salary. But as I told Scott, at least I'm not laying in bed dying...

Post your get well wishes here... I could use a few smiles.

After calling out of work I took several advil and a long hot shower. Thus fortifying myself enough to crawl out of the house. Hell, if I'm going to be home, I want my new Mercedes Lackey book and the XMEN movie that was released today. Yes, I got both... and a few other things to boot. Now I'll have something to read and watch later this afternoon. After I finish the last of the beef stew that I made the day before I got sick.

It's a beautiful day in NYC, the sun is out and it's in the lower 70's. And I'm not going to work for at least another day. Sigh

Love and Light!