Wednesday, December 28, 2005

And I Helped

This hit the news this morning, and brings good tidings to all of us on Broadway. It made me smile.

Don't think for a moment that I don't appreciate those tourists who constantly stop in the middle of the sidewalk. My dear friend C. likes to say, "Look at all the bread and butter clogging up the sidewalk!" Funny but true, they are the ones who pay our rent and enable most of us to live in the big apple.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, our attendance wasn't really effected by the transit stike. We still played to 100% capacity. Again, I'm thankful for a show that's going to run.

Speaking of running, it's time to go. But I thought I'd leave you with this, a scanned copy of one of my christmas cards. Priceless!!!

Love and Light

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Legendary Christmas

All things considered, it was a very nice Christmas this year. After dealing with a hellacious work schedule, a transit strike, and general disorientation that is.

The feeling was electric on Saturday at the theatre. We were finally closing in on it. The completion of a 16 show run with no break. The final curtain hit the boards; an amazing Cry to Heaven issued from from everyone's throats. What a moving sound it was. None present would be surprised to learn that Gabriel himself was there, blowing his trumpet. This Cry to Heaven was so completely heartfelt that I saw tears in a few peoples eyes. I continued to be amazed following the final curtain that afternoon: The boys were totally out of their costumes by the time I got to the dressing room. LOL I don't remember that EVERY happening. You go monkey boys!!

I took my leave of the theatre shortly before 5pm and headed up to my friend S.'s apartment. I had started the morning by racing up there and tossing the beginnings of dinner in the crockpot. Pork Tenderloin was the staple of the Christmas Eve Dinner. I got a good healthy waft of roasting pork as soon as I walked in the front door; delicious. S. and I took several moments to just put our feet and and enjoy the moment, and then I headed into the kitchen to prepare the rest of our simple evening meal. Dilled baby red potatoes, and asparagus n hollandaise sauce. For some reason (I can't imagine why...) I'm known for my pork. (shut up you filthy minded perverts, my family reads this too!) I got the potatoes in the oven and the veggies in the steamer. I then decided it was time for some Christmas spirit, in the form of a Manhattan. Sigh, I just love bourbon. Yes, I had a drink. Merry Christmas!!

Our friend E. arrived shortly after my cocktail did and we spent some time catching up. I served up dinner (which was positive perfection, if I do say so myself). Somehow dinner during the three of us managed to knock back 2 bottles of wine as well. We spent the remaining time exchanging our gifts and then E. had to head off for his evening church service, while S. and I remained heathens at home and watched a few episodes from The First Season of The Muppet Show. I received this as a gift that evening, and after watching the shows with Joel Grey, Ben Vareen, and Ethel Merman, I headed home for a little kitten time.

Christmas Day we three got together again. We headed over to E.'s place to see his kitty and his tree. We then moved on to Robertos for a late Christmas Lunch. I had the best veal I've ever had in my life. I highly recommend this place to any of you in the NYC area. Be prepared to sit down, relax, and enjoy yourself.

After our meal, S. and I headed over to Chita's broadway show. What followed was a spellbinding two hours, as Chita took to the stage and told her story. I'm sure there were other people dancing around her, but the moment she hit the stage that's all I could see. I can't remember the last time I was attending a theatre event and was held so enthralled. Chita is the final Legend for this christmas entry. WOW!!! GO see this show while you have the chance. I can only hope to be so agile and perky at 72. hehehe

So it was a nice and almost relaxing Christmas. I started back to work yesterday and things are going well. We have a wacky week ahead, but it's all doable. Today I have to run errands and get a few 'life' things taken care of before work, but again it's all good, and all doable.

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday. Brace yourself, here comes the New Year!!!

Love and Light

Friday, December 23, 2005

Strike is Over: Return to Work

Having exercised their (albeit illegal) right to strike and having given NYC a 69 hour taste of what life is like without them, The TWU has ordered their people back to work. The Strike is over. Buses began running at 10pm last night, and taxi's turned their meters on at midnight. Thus life is taking a turn back to the 'normal' (ah, it still hurts to use that word).

We are rolling towards the close of a very hectic week at the show. The end is in sight. Two shows today and only one tomorrow. Hopefully everyone will be in a little better mood now that transportation is getting back on track. Of course that isn't going to help improve any of the incompetence of certain individuals. Hell, we all have our issues, but I don't deal well with incompetence. PERIOD. Yesterday was a very rough show for me. We had to wait for certain information before I could do my job, which arrived late (typical), and then I spent 20 minutes tearing around getting things prepped for the current line up. Only to get everything up to the deck and begin my preset to then be told that the published information was not correct. "GROWL" All of this meant that I was now hauling clothes up and down the stairs because several someone's couldn't proof anything before publishing it. Of course, this IS my job; I get it, believe me. But this was not a case of a last minute change in plans, it was a publishing error; which caused some of us to have to redo and replan. Again, it's our job; but it's also other people's job to give us the CORRECT information in a timely matter. I was beyond all patience yesterday as you have probably already concluded. It's been a very rough schedule for everyone and the last thing anyone would want is general lack of attention making more work for anyone else.

The rant continues...

One of my dancers was out due to illness and that meant that I got to spend all of Act II dealing with one of my least favorite people. Fortunately, I am a professional, and I'm quite good at dealing with people who just generally irritate me. He's never done anything to me personally, I just don't like him. No big deal. Except that last night he decided it was time to be lippy, to me. "You can't hang that up yet, I'm still in it" he said to me. Yes, I CAN hang it up, and I'll do it through your dancebelt too Mister. It helps that he's a smart ass to boot. So one scene later he was getting late and I merely stood at the spot and relished the fact that if he didn't come to attention soon, he was going to miss his entrance. He snapped to at the last possible moment and I got him dressed. "You were going to let me be late weren't you?!" he asked. Well, Mr, you know it all, and I'm not going to get fired for you missing YOUR entrance. If you change the show, I would expect that when you are on, you will remember the changes and be where you are supposed to be. I was not having any of the babysitting last night... obviously!

So there is the rant from broadway yesterday. I was in a good mood until I had been in the theatre for about 40 minutes... It's all good. Today is a new day, and will hold new hell for all of us. D has termed it "holiday hell' for a reason. I love that woman.

Speaking of which, I heard the suitcase roll out the front door this morning. Our company has left. The girls climbed onto the couch this morning and started whining as soon as the lock clicked. Auntie has left the building. We had a great visit, and I was glad to be able to offer a roof and bed to her, easing her 'holiday hell' as much as I could. We had a really great visit and as always it was a pleasure to have her both here and at work the last couple of weeks. She will be returning home for the holidays. Enjoy your break AND your company doll!!!

In other realms, this was a very powerful week. Winter Solstice has come and gone. The circle of death has curved back around towards the season of rebirth. Several personal matters in my life have finally been laid to rest. Issues were resolved, questions were answered and I have closure and relief. I'm ready for the new opportunities now, and I actually feel as though I'll have the strength to rise to them when they present themselves. I'm still working on maintaining harmony and balance, but it's becoming easier. D. did a few readings for me on Solstice which confirmed several points, mainly that my creativity is going to be expanding on a larger scale in the next 6 months; or at least that several opportunities are going to be presented. For my part, I'm going to put it out there. It's time; actually it's past time, but the time will now be right. It also became apparent to me that a certain situation/concern in my life was in fact valid, and that it's time to accept and release it. 2 years ago I wouldn't have been able to accept it, but it's something that has occurred over and over in my life. It's a very clear and valid sign. It's about choices that we make. I'm currently at peace, despite all of the work drama. If nothing else 2005 has been a year of major lessons/learning. I've been blessed with a new outlook and insight. With new blessings and power comes additional responsibilities. Now that I have the energy under control, life is sailing smoothly. Never underestimate the power of inner peace.

The token Thought O the Day is : "Release all that does not serve."

Happy Holidays one and all. Love and Light

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Show Must Go On

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002.

The Show Must Go On

People are counting on us to do this, and we must not disappoint them.
This notion is supposed to be a fundamental principle of entertainers.

Yes, we have reached the point where this Age-old saying is starting to get on even my nerves!

Yesterday was a perfect example of just how GLAMOROUS show business can be. One of my performers wasn't feeling well, and ended up dropping out of the show about 45 minutes into Act I of the evening performance. I spend all of Act I on the deck, so I had basically 3 minutes to race down to the dressing room, pull 4 outfits with wings, shoes, hats, et. al., and get the new guy onstage. And with a great bit of teamwork, we pulled it off without slowing the show down, even if I had to RUN (more than once). (And you NEVER let them see you RUN... yes, it's a rule)!! Oh, the drama!!

The transit strike continues... To say it's an inconvenience would be understating it. It's made my fellow New Yorkers even more easily irritated, especially those prone to irritation in the first place. I feel for them. 7 million people a day are now forced to find 'alternate' means of traveling around the city and boroughs. All taxi's now have alternate fares (not on the meter). Everything is charging by zone. For people who had to taxi in from queens, it was rather expensive (going through 5 zones). And to boot, it's PER PERSON. A coworker paid 90 bucks to get to and from work on Tuesday. People are now experiencing having to add 2+ hours to their commuting schedule. We are all hoping for a quick resolution to this strike, so we can get back to our 'normal' holiday madness!!

Despite the strike, we are continuing to play to full houses. This is typically the best time of year for the broadway box office. So as an industry, we are not really seeing that hard of a bite. But it will interesting to see the box office take from this week.

Again I'll say that I'm glad for a hit show. My job isn't going anywhere, a rarity in this business. Paying the additional rent for a small place in midtown is paying off (again). I may not have room, but I'm close to work!!

It's time to brace for the final push. We are ALMOST to the much anticipated DAY OFF. We need a break.

Happy Holidays to you all!

Love and Light

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Winter Solstice

It's busy here on the homefront. I'm enjoying a morning and afternoon preparing for the upcoming solstice. It's a very powerful time of year. It's a time for reflecting and releasing the past and calling upon the rebirth of the new. I've been very happy the last couple of days. I've become much more balanced and in tune. It's going to be a very powerful solstice.

Wishing you all love and light as the circle of closure and renewal begins anew.

I'll leave you with this Thought O the Day:

"Shall we liken Christmas to the web in a loom? There are many weavers, who work into the pattern the experience of their lives. When one generation goes, another comes to take up the weft where it has been dropped. The pattern changes as the mind changes, yet never begins quite anew. At first, we are not sure that we discern the pattern, but at last we see that, unknown to the weavers themselves, something has taken shape before our eyes, and that they have made something very beautiful, something which compels our understanding." --Earl W. Count, 4,000 Years of Christmas

Love and Light,

Monday, December 19, 2005


A mild case of Disorientation has set in. Nothing serious, almost funny actually. It doesn't feel like Monday, mainly because I had to get up this morning! I'm moments from heading out the door to the theatre. I'm making up Christmas Sunday Daywork today, and we have a show tonight. My mind keeps asking me why we are going in so Early... "The house is clean(er) wouldn't it be better to lay in bed with the kitties and pig out later on the best Mac N Cheese I ever made in my life?" Well yes it would be, but YOU tell that to Uncle MasterCard and Grannie Rent.

I think the rest of the week will be just fine. I haven't been counting shows like some people, I've been taking them one at a time. I'm eager to get through this run over with, we have 2 days off at the top of the year. Yes, TWO WHOLE days in a row. It will be nice to have a day to recover (both from the show and New Years). I'm keeping focused on the light at the end of the year.

Like all NYC'ers, i'm keeping an eye on the transit strike. My view is a little more amused than most everyone elses. I don't have to commute on a train. I walk. The bus drivers in Queens walked out today, and the rest of NYC could very well follow this evening. "Auntie" is staying over tonight, the girls are thrilled, as am I.

Well, it appears I'm going to be late for work if I don't get off my rear and walk out the door now.

Love and Light

Saturday, December 17, 2005


It was one of those odd shows tonight. A whole bunch of things were just messed up, wacky things went wrong. It wasn't an "A" show. The theatre gremlins hit us hard tonight. Of course, we still have a whole week of shows before our next day off, and a lot of people simply weren't paying attention at work today. Others were paying a lot of attention to their jobs. Some of us just wandered around and laughed.

And to boot, we had actors go out and switch tracks in the middle of the show (again). It didn't effect me, but Devone bore the brunt of that one. I can't wait to read her blog about this one... I love you BABY!!!!

I'm now going to kick back, take a pill and watch Yugi and then Amazing Race, if I'm still awake. It's a cartoon kinda evening...

Love and Light

Happy Anniversery

Happy Anniversery to Celine and Rene!~

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thought 'O' the day

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."
General George S. Patton

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Alcatraz Island

Bay Bridge through the fog on Alcatraz Island

Welcome Sign
The Rock
The Water was choppy, the Rain was pouring out of the sky. Cold and foggy and wet. It was a perfect day to visit Alcatraz. If you ever get to SF, you really should take the tour. I had a great time. Spend the extra bucks for the audio tour, it's worth it. There was even an ex-prisoner in the bookstore, hawking his latest book. I willing walked into an open cell, I can only imagine having that tiny place being my whole universe. It made my NYC apartment seem so spacious and roomie (not to mention decorated).

Other than the new shoes, this day was the highlight of my time spent in SF. Educational!!
I had a blast. Next vacation snippet will be concern wine country (Napa Valley).
This is short and sketchy, I know. It's a reflection of my current state of mind. I'm a little frazzeled, but feeling good (enough).
Love and Light

Monday, December 12, 2005

Last Day Off (for a while)

Short entry for you all today. It's the last day off for me until Christmas Day. I have lots of things on the 'list' to achieve today, and if I get 1/3 of them done I'll feel accomplished.

I'm feeling much better. Yesterday and today flowed smoothly. I've gotten most of the housework done which always make me feel less cluttered on the inside as well. I'm about to leave the house for the errands of today, starting with a visit to the Doctor. Yes, it's planned. Follow-up. Nothing major! (Grins)! After that I'm meeting a friend for some catch-up time. I am also going to attempt to get a few more christmas things done, but I'm not making any promises. Today is going to be very low-key and relaxing as possible. My stress level will remain low as I will accept no other alternative, period.

Here's a few more shots from San Fran to enjoy. I'll be posting an entire album once I select a good free photo posting website. Anyone have any recomendations?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Messed Up

I shouldn't even be writing this, as it's going to be taken as whining.
I'm 'officially' back from vacation. So much for the relief of being away. It's been a very hard transition back to this city and at a difficult time of the year too. My body is doing everything in it's power to rebel against me, and despite my best efforts, it's winning. My entire emotional and spiritual center is completely out of whack. If you've seen me in the last week you know what I'm talking about. I'm not angry; just exhausted. My stress level has been running at such a high rate for so long now that my own body is beginning to display severe signs of unhappiness.

Don't get me wrong, I'm attempting to make some changes, but patience has never been high on my list of attributes; I'm too much of a control freak. I'm literally living moment to moment, and breath to breath today. I've had enough of 2005, it's been chaotic at its best. I can only hope I can get my energy back under control before the winter solstice.

Keep me in your thoughts if you will, as I attempt to regain some basic balance in my life. Yes, it really does feel as if the only solution is to start completely over.

Love and Light My Friends

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

San Fran I

tran·si·tion n.
Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another.

Ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I'm not far from being a jaded New Yorker. I (and my Dr.) would have to agree. There is a certain level of intensity that is incumbent to living in NYC. One can exist in a constant state of "Fight or Flight." After living in the city for years, you become so accustomed to it that you hardly recognize it; that is, until you leave the city.

Checklist for Leaving the City:
  1. Babysitter for the girls (Check)
  2. Tickets, Money, Passport (Yes, just like AbFab). (Check)
  3. Medication (Check and Double Check)
  4. An open mind: You are leaving the city, life is different on the outside.

Yes, I have to remind myself of keeping an open mind. If you continue to act like a NY'er outside of the island, people will think you are an asshole. It's time to shift gears, and enjoy a little LIFE outside the island.

As usual, I slept very little the night before my flight. The suitcase was packed and I was ready to roll when the car arrived at 6:30am. Off to the airport and onto a sold-out flight to San Fran. I remember getting on the plane and pulling away from the gate. I vaguely recall the captain announcing a delay and the groans of people around me, as we hadn't even taken off yet. The next thing i know the flight attendant is waking me up and telling me to get my seat in the upright position. I slept all but the last 30 minutes of the flight to SF. SWEET!! My ride met me at the airport and then we had lunch and then I went shopping. (Well, what are you supposed to do when you get to a new city?! BUY SHOES!!!) I was well behaved I only came home with ONE new pair.

The transition to vacation is almost always symbolized by a new pair of shoes. Luckily i got them within the first 4 hours of arriving, and thus got it out of the way.

More to follow:

Love and Light

Monday, December 05, 2005

Miss Me

Hello everyone. I'm safely back from holiday. I wrote in the journal while I was away and will hopefully spend tomorrow getting a really good Vacation article out.

Sigh. San Fran is positively beautiful. The people are so pleasant and the scenery is stunning. Plus I got to see the house they feature in Charmed. hehehe I got to see a few friends I haven't seen in years as well. All in all, it was positively delightful.

D: Thanks for taking care of the girls in my absence. They were thrilled to see you and have already informed me that I am to sleep on the couch tonight WITH them as MY punishment for leaving them for a week. (Like they didn't have the best person in the world looking out for them while I was away!)

Off work on the numerous photo's I took and then to catch up on a missed week of The Amazing Race.

Love and Light